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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 3 hours ago, shusha09 said:

    A plugin that shows the player's information on the side of the screen (money level username)

    this can be done with skript. I think you also need skRayfall. For the money you will need vault

    every 5 seconds:
        loop all players:
            wipe loop-player's sidebar
            set name of sidebar of loop-player to "<Name of server/IP>"
            set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 # the numbers at each line of code means where the text will be placed in the scoreboard
            set score "&3&lPlayer" in sidebar of loop-player to 8
            set score "&8• &aName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7
            set score "&8• &aMoney: &a%loop-player's balance%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6
            set score "&5" in sidebar of loop-player to 5
            set score "&3&lServer" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
            set score "&8• &aOnline: &a(&f%amount of players%/%maximum players%&a)" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
            set score "&8• &aTPS: &a%tps%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
            set score "&0" in sidebar of loop-player to 1


  2. 12 hours ago, Dolly_Paints said:

    This is most likely the wrong forum so please forgive me...

    I created this skript and no matter what I do it gives me errors can someone please help?
    okay so explanation: this script is supposed to give new players my starter kit I have tried the same thing with essentials but it didn't do anything, so I tried it with skripts. To do this I essentially just copied the way it was formatted in essentials, combined that formatting with like 3 videos I watched and ended up getting this janky code:

    I should preference, 'give' could also be replaced with ' - ' and it could possibly work the same way, the errors I got didn't increase nor decrease when using either one.... 

    On join:
        if {Joined} does not contain %uuid of player%:
            give shulker box to the player
            give 64 oak logs to the player
            give 64 torches to the player
            give book 1 mending:1
            add %uuid of player% to {Joined}
            set join message to "&e%player% &ris now a hobo!"
        if {Joined} contains %uuid of player%
        set join message to "welcome &a%player% &rback to the hut!"

    command /resetjoins:
        permission: joins.resetjoins
        permission message: "Nice try"
            delete {Joined}
            send "&cDeleted Joins" to player

    on leave:
        set leave message to "&a %player% &r left the hut"


    I know the error is the conditions and 'on leave' but idk what to replace them with to make this janky code work.... any advice is much appreciated.

    You could use the "On Disconnect:" event. Also i suggest using list variables, like {Joined::*} instead of {Joined}

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/23/2020 at 9:47 AM, hahhaskrpitgobrrrr said:

    Hello! i have a problem i need a skrpit were if you right click on a compass it gens   40% cobble 10% iron ore 30%  oak log  19% iron block 1% diamond ore.  If you can help me my discord is bunchy7s#8813

    Please use the marketplace next time you want someone to make you a skript


    On 11/14/2020 at 2:19 PM, Spink said:

    Need help with my Script. I made a GUI Script to open up a menu and display navigation to other pages, but i am not sure how to make it open a new GUI or give a player an item on click.


    The Script:

    command /shop:
            open virtual chest inventory with size 3 named "&8&lShop" to player
            format slot 0 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 1 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 2 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 3 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 4 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 5 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 6 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 7 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 8 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 9 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 10 of player with Iron Block named "&f&lGenerators" to be unstealable
            format slot 11 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 12 of player with Oak Plank named "&e&lBlocks" to be unstealable
            format slot 13 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 14 of player with Water Bucket named "&b&lEssentials" to be unstealable
            format slot 15 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 16 of player with Blaze Rod named "&6&lWands " to be unstealable
            format slot 17 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 18 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 19 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 20 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 21 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 22 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 23 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 24 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 25 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable
            format slot 26 of player with Gray Stained Glass Pane named "&f&l " to be unstealable



    format slot <line> of player with <item> named "<name>" to run "<command, can be sudo cmd with essentials>"


  5. Hello @StormLight!

    1. I'm glad you took inspiration from the skript i made, really makes me happy 😄

    2. I don't know whats wrong with this skript... here is the main stuff in my skript:


    function spawnmob(loc: location, entity: entity type):
    	spawn {_entity} at {_loc}
    command /pig:
    	permission: pig
    	permission message: Hey, you can't use this command!
    		spawnmob(location of player, pig)	
    		set name of last spawned entity to "World Border"
    		set {entity} to last spawned entity
    every tick in world "world": # will be laggy, suggest 5 ticks for better performance
    	set {x} to x-position of {entity}
    	set {z} to z-position of {entity}
    	make console execute command "worldborder center %{x}% %{z}%"

    hopefully this helps, again, i don't know what's wrong with your skript... maybe it's the different variables? although keep in mind with this skript i sent it dosent save the entity, so you have to do /pig again when the server restarts.

  6. heres an example skript:

    on command /example <text>:
      		if arg-1 is set to give:
      			send "give" to player
      		else if arg-1 is set to remove:
      			send "remove" to player
      			send "Use ""Give"" or ""Remove"" for the arguments!" to player


  7. 3 hours ago, Realuid said:

    Hello, i would like to make a baltop for my server using my own balance variable, does anyone know how i might do this?

    the variable: {balance::%player's uuid%}


    Im also having a problem where when a player does /stats instead of displaying {balance::%arg-1's uuid%} it displays something like {balance::6112341aa-asfsfm112-a12241sa-mjknkjfh}

    This is the skript: 

    command /stats <player>:
    	usage: /stats <player>
    		send "&0&l---------------------"
    		send "&6%arg-1% &chas &a$ {balance::%arg-1's uuid%} "
    		send "&6%arg-1% &chas &a{prestige::%arg-1's uuid%} &dPrestiges"
    		send "&0&l---------------------"


    For the problem do %player% and %arg-1%, the random numbers and letters is the player's UUID, not IGN.
    For the balance variable, if you want a /pay skript, do a command that finds if the player executing /pay has enough amount in the variable, removing the amount from him (ex. {balance.%player%}), and adding argument to the targeted player (ex. {balance.%arg-1%}). Sorry if what i wrote was confusing, it confused me too 😕

  8. 18 hours ago, edwardplayz said:

    I installed the Among Us map by Phoenix SC.

    How do I delete maps and Resource Packs?

    Whenever I load the game, The world is completely messed up, and The Resoucepacks are Default.

    I NEED Faithful 1.16.

    So please Help.

    If no one is of any help, I will Leave This Server Host, F O R E V E R

    If you have the multiverse plugin, do /mvdelete (worldname), then /mvconfirm. Make sure you have another world.
    If you don't have the multiverse plugin, go to file manager, and delete the folder named your world. Then restart your server. Again, make sure you have another world.
    If for whatever reason you can't do either of those, go to Danger Zone > reset server (make sure its offline)

  9. 4 hours ago, BobaGamez said:

    Hey i need some help with skript. I want to create a skript were when u do /skymine u get teleported to another world at specific cords. Can someone please send a working skript for this. The name of the world is "ul_void" and the cords i want the player to be teleported are "0 12 3"

    teleport [all players|player|loop-player] to location at 0, 12, 3 in world "ul_void"


  10. * = Untested, and unsure if the skript works

    For what i'm thinking of, I would create a command that adds the block the player is facing to a list. Here's a rough* example:

    command /setlock <integer>:
    	permission: skript.setcard
      		if arg-1 is not set:
      			send "&cSet The Keycard! (1-5)" to player
      		else if arg-1 is "1":
    			add player's targeted block to {Block1::*}
      			send "&aSuccess!" to player
        	else if arg-1 is "2":
    			add player's targeted block to {Block2::*}
      			send "&aSuccess!" to player
       		else if arg-1 is "3":
    			add player's targeted block to {Block3::*}
      			send "&aSuccess!" to player
       		else if arg-1 is "4":
    			add player's targeted block to {Block4::*}
      			send "&aSuccess!" to player
        	else if arg-1 is "5":
    			add player's targeted block to {Block5::*}
      			send "&aSuccess!" to player
    			send "&cYou must set the argument from 1 to 5, and must be a number!" to player

    Now im not sure how to make it open a door, so thats gonna rely on someone else. The next skript finds the player's held item and finds out if it's the right keycard. Here is another rough* example:

    on right-click:
    	if player's held item is paper named "&cKeycard &7- &4Rank 1":
    		if {Block1::*} contains player's targeted block:
    			# Don't know how to make a door open here so :/
    	else if player's held item is paper named "&cKeycard &7-" &4Rank 1":
    		if {Block1::*} contains player's targeted block:
    			# Don't know how to make a door open here so :/
    		else if {Block2::*} contains player's targeted block:
    			# Don't know how to make a door open here so :/
    	# Repeat the steps here. You should be able to see the pattern, and im to lazy to make the whole thing


  11. Please upload this is skript releases, as this is the discussion place... for discussing fixes for problems with skript. As you seem to have to problems and are releasing a skript, this should be in skript releases

  12. 7 hours ago, TheMangoCrew said:

    So, deleting every skript extension and THEN downloading skript worked. Thank you for all your help!

    I'm glad that somehow.. worked? I don't understand why the skript plugins would stop skript itself from being downloaded. Unless it's too late, do you have any logs during the problem. I doubt it, but it's possible there are some lines of skript in it.

  13. 14 hours ago, TheMangoCrew said:

    I found that the skript folder in plugins is missing. How do I fix it?

    Check to make sure you have Skript installed. If you dont, go to Minehut.com > Dashboard > Plugins and install skript. If you have skript installed, push the "Reload Config" button on the button next to "uninstall". This should reload everything about it, it this dosent work either, reinstall skript. Please keep in mind all skript extensions (SkRayfall, SkBee, etc.) all need Skript to take effect. If this didn't help at all quote this and i'll get back to you ASAP

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