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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 46 minutes ago, Lycrone said:

    i payed for my server but i cant play on it anymore it will keep on crashing how do i transfer it over to a other server

    If your server keeps crashing then you should look through your server logs to find out why, maybe a corrupted world or something.
    That being said, you cannot transfer plans, your best bet it to contact support to ask for a refund.

  2. Post Title: Labs
    Server IP Address: Labs.minehut.gg
    Server Website: LabsMC.craftingstore.net (Store Only)
    Server Discord: discord.gg/JtePmrhEWA
    Server Owner: Me (AgentGamerPro/Pryzmm)
    Contact Email: pryzmmtheproto@gmail.com
    Short description: Labs is a unique take, recreating the game Lab Experiment from Roblox. When the game starts, you get your very own plate, and your goal is to be the last man standing, while random events happen to you and to your plates. Lava constantly rises and you may have to build upwards to avoid the rising lava.
    Primary gamemode: Minigame, Meme, PVP
    Why do you believe this server should be featured?: This server strays from the normal games on Minehut like box and mining servers; It's fun and enjoyable for the community, especially since it's constantly updated with new features, allowing people to play over and over with each game being a new experience. Tim previously shared that they would consider Labs as a possible server feature, but there was some things we had to work on before. These have since been resolved and improved on and I do hope that this can help represent Minehut for its creativity.

  3. 1 hour ago, Abogen said:

    So basically I need a auto compressor skript, so when your holding a custom item like a conduit named wood compressor in your offhand then it will compress all your wood into compress wood. if anyone could make this skript that would be much appreciated.

    Try something like this:


    on pickup:
    	if player's inventory contains 32 plain oak log:
    		if slot 40 of player's inventory is conduit named "Wood Compressor":
    			remove 32 plain oak log from player's inventory
    			give player shiny oak log named "&eCompacted Wood" # shiny expression may require SkJade or SkQuery


  4. 8 minutes ago, refraction said:

    Im thinking of adding one of those afk rooms in my minecraft server that gives players a special item after 10 minutes or so. Anyone know an easy way I can do this?

    you could use Skript and WorldGuard to achieve this


    every 10 minutes:
    	loop all players:
    		if "%region at loop-player%" contains "AFKZone":
    			give loop-player 1 golden apple


  5. 34 minutes ago, Kqleo said:

    on mine:
        if player has 1 of minecart with chest named "&6Auto Compressor":
            set {_a} to amount of oak log in player's inventory
            if {_a} >= 16:
                set {_b} to round({_a} / 16)
                loop {_b} times:
                    player has 16 oak log
                    remove 16 oak log from player
                    give 1 oak log of unbreaking 1 named "&x&5&D&3&B&1&9&lC&x&6&2&4&1&2&0&lo&x&6&7&4&7&2&7&lm&x&6&B&4&D&2&E&lp&x&7&0&5&3&3&5&lr&x&7&5&5&9&3&C&le&x&7&A&5&F&4&3&ls&x&7&E&6&4&4&B&ls&x&8&3&6&A&5&2&le&x&8&8&7&0&5&9&ld &x&8&D&7&6&6&0&lW&x&9&1&7&C&6&7&lo&x&9&6&8&2&6&E&lo&x&9&B&8&8&7&5&ld" to player

    I was trying to have an item that u put in your personal inventory and that item compresses things. Im using this skript but its not really working how i want it to. It would compress an item but only giving u 1 and if you kept mining you would just stay at 1 of that compressed block. Im also trying to hide the enchantments when u receive the compressed block. Do you know why?

    you should debug the code, check what {_a} and {_b} variables are via the "send" or "broadcast" effect

  6. 2 hours ago, lEciFEr said:

    Hello! Me and my friends have an SMP together and want to get rid of the play limit. My account is attached to one email, and I want to know if there was a way to swap it to a different email.

    If you want to get rid of the 4 hour time limit, buy a plan

    As far as I'm aware, you're currently unable to switch servers to another account; there is kind of a way though if you're willing to go through it:

    - Ensure both the old and new server are the same version and type (i.e. Paper 1.20.4)
    - Zip all the files in the old server and download it
    - Delete all the files in the new server and upload the zip file
    - Unzip
    - Restart the new server

  7. Just now, Valkr_ said:

    is it still possible to change the ip adress in 2024 if so how?

    You can buy a address and change the DNS records to effectively be a new IP for your server; unfortunately I don't know exactly how to do that so you'll have to do some digging around in the internet.

  8. 10 hours ago, IAHMEDI said:

    kits creator 

    How can I find the 1.21 plugin

    Are you talking about this plugin? KitsCreator - Updates | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
    This plugin has ceased development as of May 16th 2020, and I don't think there is a port of the plugin that's still being developed

    There is however another plugin that may work with what you need
    PlayerKits 2 | Fully Configurable KITS! [1.8-1.21] | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft

  9. 1 hour ago, Aziroma2078 said:

    I have problem with my server. I added the mod DND-Craft to my servor, go to CurseForge and oppen the DND-Craft modded minecraft, and the join the servor. In the servor, I have access to the modded tool and armor, but nothing with it work, so modded weapom all do 1 damage, I cant spawn modded creature and nothing added with the mod works. What I have to do to fixe the probleme ?

    Please check these things:
    - Is your server SpongeForge or Fabric? (currently SpongeForge only supports 1.12.2)
    - Does your mod support your server version?
    - Is the mod in the 'mods' folder in your file manager?
    - Have you restarted your server?

    I looked into the mod you have and from the looks of it, it only supports Forge servers and its earliest version is 1.14.4. Since SpongeForge only supports 1.12.2 here, I don't think you'll be able to play with this mod on Minehut (unless there is a fabric port of the mod that I've missed)

  10. 1 hour ago, Kqleo said:

    Im looking for a skript that can auto compress multiple things and when it compresses it, it compresses to a enchanted item that is renamed and its enchantment is hidden.

    heres a simple compress skript to get you started:

    command /compress:
    		if player's inventory contains 64 of oak log:
    			remove 64 of oak log from player's inventory
    			add 1 of glowing oak log named "&eCompressed Oak Log" to player's inventory # the glowing expression mmay require either SkQuery or SkJade
    			send "&aCompressed!"
    			send "&cCould not find anything to compress!"


  11. 35 minutes ago, BrightDarwin said:

    I have all my plugins in my installed section on the website but on the server and in the consol it does load most of them. some of them are working but the other arnt. ive tried restating and deleting the word cuz its a new one but it doesn work.

    also all of them are compatable with the version

    Make sure your plugin .jar files are in the right folder
    - Go to the file manager
    - Click on your plugins folder
    - Check that the .jars are there
    - If you haven't already, restart your server

  12. 1 hour ago, kiba said:

    i been trying to start up my server but when i do it saids unable to find service and then it saids the server status is in queue. how do i fix this?

    When servers are in queue, that means Minehut servers are at full capacity and that you're unable to start up your server until space opens up; you just need to be patient

  13. 1 hour ago, Hwenwy said:

    I want to switch to minehut as its easier to use mods and resource packs however when i try to move my world it gives me the error, Failed to extract file: unexpected end of file, I dont know what to do. It is a normal zip file and is much less than the 500mb limit i think people talk about.

    If you have a paid plan, then i suggest using your SFTP with something like FileZilla to upload your world

  14. 2 hours ago, angrysquash said:

    There is a server called dupekills by duckiepog but that is not it i was buying a rank called lord rank for 4.99 and it was a scam i didnt get it😵

    You can report the server at https://support.minehut.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, though i'd suggest you contact the server owner first, as well as check with your bank to make sure the purchase went through.

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