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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 2 hours ago, CorruptedShadow0 said:

    ok but I want to be that NPC. How do I do that?

    There used to be plugins that could change your name and skin, but unfortunaly those plugins are broken, so theres a more technical way of doing this.

    For changing your name, install Essentials. Then do /Nick <IGN> <New Name>, (This will not change the name above you... i think... im not sure...) To get rid of the ~, go to File Manager at minehut.com > Plugins > Essentials > Config.yml. Once finding the right option, changing it to "", and typing /essentials reload in-game, you should be good.

    For changing your skin, should be easier. Click Profile | Minecraft, or go to the minecraft launcher. Find and download the skin you want, and apply it.

  2. 50 minutes ago, CorruptedShadow0 said:

    I wanted to prank my friend pretending to be dream but I needed to change my name only in that minehut server to convince him.

    If you can find a plugin where you can change your name, That would be great. Thanks! 🙂


    You can create a customizable npc that follows players, looks around, etc. You can also change the name and skin. The plugin is called Citizens, and to use it, type /npc create [Name]. This command makes a npc appear at your position, and sets its skin to the related name. To edit a specific npc (incase you created multiple), hit a npc with a stick. Search for a full tutorial on google or smth.

  3. On 12/21/2020 at 9:20 AM, farwl said:

    If a mod stops by this and wants to lock it for necropost pls dont because I still consider it valid

    Your download link does not work, gives me this error:

    SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft - Error

    You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
  4. On 12/20/2020 at 1:58 PM, boz said:

    didnt work, mc kept telling me "this world does not exist!" when i clicked any of the worlds

    Sorry for the late response... Unfortunatly this has never happened to me. Check your files in File Manager to see if the worlds named your worlds exist. Also try downloading the plugin Multiverse

  5. 2 hours ago, boz said:

    The server ive had for about a month has just reset. It was working fine just a couple hours ago and i havent edited it since besides opening the server. All my loot is gone, my progress is lost. Why? 


    Do /Worlds and check if there are any extra worlds

  6. 5 hours ago, Minehut said:

    One time purchase is simply buying the credits once, and only one payment is taken.

    Subscription purchase is where you get the credits every month and pay every month.

    I wonder if you can buy the 10$ subscription, then cancel any future payments to get 2$ off

  7. lmao this post got necroposted 3 times

    8 hours ago, ChillePoke said:

    The download link doesn't work! Can we have a working one?

    It probrally dosent work because the post is 1 1/2 years old

  8. 1 minute ago, impyr said:

    thanks! i'm gonna debuff these a bit, since some might seem annoying

    light gray will be changed to simply reducing damage

    light blue will not be changed, because yes

    i don't really see much use for purple, and lime might be changed to a slight double jump

    thank you though!

    no problem 🙂

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Cooked_Potato said:

    Ever accidentally pressing "Exit" after you finish a skript without saving it? Yeah, it hurts. This has happened to me like a hundred times! I recommend either adding a "Save & Exit" button right of the "Exit" button or replacing the "Exit" button with "Save & Exit". It will make life a lot easier! And I'll never have to worry about losing my work again just because of forgetting to save it!

    This has happened to me SO, MANY, TIMES

  10. 7 minutes ago, mydeathstar said:

    so, i made a server and everytime i try to join it it just keeps sending me back to a different lobby can someone explane this? also how do i change the biome and the terrain? thanks

    Is there any error message given to you when you are kicked into a lobby?

  11. 5 hours ago, impyr said:

    Alright, so I need ideas for powers in my upcoming "Wools of Power" skript. I need ideas in order to make the wools, you know, actually work. Basically, the Wools of Power can debuff others or buff you. Here's some examples:

    Brown Wool: makes your foods give more hunger
    Black Wool: disables others' wool
    Red Wool: gives you more health

    (oh, and you don't need to put the colors in)

    Thank you for your ideas ❤️

    Edit: Wools I still need ideas for:
    White, Light Gray, Gray, Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Cyan, Light Blue, Blue, Purple, Magenta, Pink


    Lime: Gives Extra Jump Boost
    Light Blue: Gives Extra Speed
    Light Gray: Reduces Damage from mobs
    Purple: Immunity to negative potion effects

    (react if i helped pls)

    • Thanks 2
  12. 14 hours ago, Sh0ot said:

    first of all, you should use this gui slot format instead:


     format gui slot (slot) with (item) named "(name)" with lore "(lore) to run:



    this might be a potential fix to your problem, as skript (most of the time) doesnt allow you to put multiple different functions after one another if they are used in an inventory click situation. Try using the format i gave you above and it might work.



    "can't understand this condition/effect"

    EDIT: I fixed it, so im fine now

  13. 12 minutes ago, AaronBoilikesmc said:

    I bought the redstone ore server icon today thinking it would be a great start to winter break. After i bought it, only a few moments later Minehut announced that there was a sale on EVERYTHING. I had spent 500 of my hard earned credits buying that icon just to know that I could've bought it for WAY less if I had just waited for a bit longer. I have been asking around all day trying to get a refund so I can repurchase my icon and save some money. I would really appreciate some help in the season of giving. Thanks!

    Discord: aaronboibuttz#6883

    IGN: AaronBoiBumz

    I dont think its possible to refund a purchase. You can, however, vote for the server for some credits every day

  14. How do i call a function while im calling it in a function
    The first part of the skript is in a function

    format slot 11 of {_p} with wooden sword named "&f&lWooden Sword" with lore "" and "&6300 Coins" to close then run [BuyWoodSword({_p})]

    The second is a function being called in a function

    function BuyWoodSword(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	if {balance::%{_u}%} >= 300:
    		remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%}
    		give wooden sword to {_p}
    		send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p}
    		send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}

    EDIT: i don't get any errors but when i click the sword, it closes but dosent do anything

  15. 10 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    You need to do set {_u} to {_p}'s uuid and use {balance::%{_u}%} instead. You have to do this when getting the uuid of a variable in another variable. In your skript, you use {balance::%{_p}'s uuid%}. Change it to what I said and it should fix it. 

    I have another question tho. How do i call for a function in a function?
    Here are my 2 peices of skript:
    (first one is in a function)

    format slot 11 of {_p} with wooden sword named "&f&lWooden Sword" with lore "" and "&6300 Coins" to close then run [BuyWoodSword({_p})]
    function BuyWoodSword(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	if {balance::%{_u}%} >= 300:
    		remove 300 from {balance::%{_u}%}
    		give wooden sword to {_p}
    		send "&aSuccessfully purchased &2Wooden Sword!" to {_p}
    		send "&4&lError: &cInsufficent Balance!" to {_p}


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