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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. subtle but the left arrow of /friends is gray while the other is blue. Dosent happen on any other page. Just page 1...



    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, codeispoggg said:

    i am working on a server and i need everyone to spawn in the void world not the vanilla world how do i do that??

    to my knowledge, there are 3 ways to do this.


    teleport player to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world"

    This is good but you will have to update it every time you need to. The next skript works much better.


    command /setspawn:
    	permission: op
    		set {spawn} to player's location
    		send "&aSet spawn at %{spawn}%" to player
    on join:
    	teleport player to {spawn}

    With this, you can not only set spawn as many times as you like without reloading, you can also set the pitch and yaw.


    set {spawn} to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world"
    set yaw of {spawn} to 180
    set pitch of {spawn} to 0
    teleport player to {spawn}

    This skript is like the first one except you can change the direction the player is looking.

    Hope this helps, and please give me rep by liking!

    • Like 2
  3. 16 hours ago, rosathorn said:

    Don't know. Those GUI's are really buggy sometimes. Use this version instead:

    Works, and I tried it.


    function MeleeShop(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	wait 3 ticks
    	create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:
    		format gui slot 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 with gray stained glass pane named "&a"
    		format gui slot 10 with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron." and "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins":
    	open last gui to {_p}
    function SteelSword(p: player):
    	if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100:
    		give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice."
    		remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%}
    		send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
    		send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}


    Do i need any addons? I get 2 errors:

    cant understand this condition/effect: "open last gui to {_p}"

    cant understand this condition "create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:"

  4. 1 hour ago, pop4959 said:

    Perhaps consider trying a plugin like AuctionHouse or Crazy Auctions?

    It wouldnt work because im using a skript variable as currency

  5. On 4/12/2021 at 5:13 PM, pop4959 said:

    We aren't able to add this specific Skript addon currently. What specific features from it were you looking to use on your server? Perhaps you can find an alternative addon which also has these features.

    i was trying to make an auction house with skript

  6. 		format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lMelee Weapons" to close then run [MeleeShop(player)]
    function MeleeShop(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	wait 3 ticks
    	open chest with 3 rows named "&a&lShop" to {_p}
    	loop 10 times:
    		if {_i} is not set:
    			set {_i} to 0
    			add 1 to {_i}
    		format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable
    	loop 10 times:
    		if {_i} is 9:
    			set {_i} to 17
    			add 1 to {_i}
    		format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable
    	format slot 10 of {_p} with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron.", "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins" to run [SteelSword({_p})]
    function SteelSword(p: player):
    	if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100:
    		give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice."
    		remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%}
    		send "&aSuccess!" to {_p}
    		send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p}

    the SteelSword function wont work? why? i get no errors.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, SavageCabage619 said:

    I need a skript for whenever a mob attacks you, you get levitation 99 for 2 seconds. Also a skript that increases mob speed to around speed 10 effect. 

    and another to give a random level 1000 potion effect whenever we jump



    potion effects cant go to 1000, only 255.

  8. 5 hours ago, BanditEagle said:

    Are.. are those slabs in between 2 blocks??? or am i just seeing it weird?
    also why is the trunk slabs?

    those "slabs" are actually stairs

  9. On 4/2/2021 at 12:53 PM, Chloe30k said:




        min.x: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
        max.x: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
        min.z: -250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
        max.z: 250 #DO NOT TOUCH!
        avoid: air or water block or lava block or stone block or sandstone block or mossy cobblestone block or dirt block
        perm: sparx.wild #CHANGE TO YOUR PERMISSION!
        cooldown: 1 second #CHANGE TO YOUR COOLDOWN! (Formats: second/s, minute/s, hour/s, day/s)

    Command /wild:
        permission: {@perm}
            set {_waited} to difference between {wild.%player%.lastused} and now
            if {_waited} is less than {@cooldown}:
                message "&7(&6!&7) &eYou must wait &6%difference between {@cooldown} and {_waited}% &ebefore using this command again."
            send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting to the Wilderness." to player
            send "&7(&6&lREMINDER&r&7) &6PvP &eis allowed in this area!" to player
            wait 1 tick
            send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 3 Seconds."
            wait 1 second
            send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 2 Seconds."
            wait 1 second
            send "&7(&6!&7) &eTeleporting in 1 Second."
            wait 2 second
            apply blindness 100 to player for 6 seconds
            wait 1 tick
            set {_loc::old} to player's location
            while player's location is {_loc::old}:
                set {_loc::new} to location at random number between {@min.x} and {@max.x}, 0, random number between {@min.z} and {@max.z}
                loop blocks above {_loc::new}:
                    if loop-block and block above loop-block are air:
                        if block under loop-block is not {@avoid}:
                            set {_loc::new} to location of loop-block
                            teleport player to {_loc::new}
                            stop loop
                            wait 10 ticks
            set {wild.%player%.lastused} to now

    You can infact change the options at the first few lines. It will set how far you can spawn from 0, 0

  10. 		format slot 14 of player with anvil named "&8&lSmithing Tool" with lore "&a", "&7Put a item in the empty slot", "&7and click the anvil.", "&a", "&7This will add a bonus to your", "&7selected item." , "&a" and "&c&lWARNING: IRREVERSIBLE" to run [SmithTest(player)]
    function SmithTest(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	set {_Item} to slot 12 of {_p}
    	if {_item} is not air:
    		give {_p} {_item}
    		send "&cWrong slot :/" to {_p}

    Im having a problem finding the right slot during a function while a GUI is open. the first line is when a player right clicks an NPC named "Black  Smith". They are supposed to put in an item. To test i want to click slot 14 o fthe GUI to run the function, and find the slot (12) in the gui and give them the item. But I don't think it searches the GUI, instead it searches my inventory. pls help ive struggled for days.

  11. I was bored so I made a social spy skript. This command simply sends players messages when a player types a command. Skript is rough and dosent show arguments, but here it is:

    command /SocialSpy:
    	aliases: /ss
    	permission: Skript.SocialSpy
    		if {SocialSpy::%player%} is not set:
    			set {SocialSpy::%player%} to true
    			send "&aSocialSpy has been enabled! You can now see other player's commands." to player
    		else if {SocialSpy::%player%} is false:
    			set {SocialSpy::%player%} to true
    			send "&aSocialSpy has been enabled! You can now see other player's commands." to player
    			set {SocialSpy::%player%} to false
    			send "&cSocialSpy has been disabled! You can no longer see other player's commands." to player
    on command:
    	wait 2 ticks
    	if executor is player:
    		set {_executor} to player
    		loop all players:
    			if {SocialSpy::%loop-player%} is true:
    				send "&7%{_executor}% &7has issued command: &a/%command%" to loop-player
    	else if executor is console:
    		loop all players:
    			if {SocialSpy::%loop-player%} is true:
    				send "&7Console has issued command: &a/%command%" to loop-player


    • Like 1
  12. On 3/26/2021 at 2:02 PM, BlockNestMonster said:

    I need help making a report system. I want it to have a GUI and a report ban (Bans someone from making reports)

    Reply if you want to help or have one. Thanks.

    on hack:
    	cancel event


  13. I can't seem to find the GUI slot while using the function. Heres my skript:

    on right click on villager:
    	if display name of villager is "Blacksmith":
    		open chest with 3 rows named "&7&lSmithing GUI" to player
    		... # other stuff here that dosent matter to the problem at hand
    		format slot 14 of player with anvil named "&8&lSmithing Tool" with lore "&a", "&7Put a item in the empty slot", "&7and click the anvil.", "&a", "&7This will add a bonus to your", "&7selected item." , "&a" and "&c&lWARNING: IRREVERSIBLE" to run [SmithTest(player)]
    function SmithTest(p: player):
    	set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
    	set {_Item} to slot 12 of {_p} # This is the line im having problems with
    	if {_item} is not air:
    		give {_p} {_item}
    		send "&cWrong slot :/" to {_p}

    I want to give the player an item when they add something to slot 12 OF THE GUI.

  14. 7 hours ago, _Tarna_ said:

    Are you just trying to stop mob from spawning if there is too many in that one area? Try using this. I got no errors with it but I haven't tested it so not sure if it works.

    on spawn of pig:
      set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 5 around event-location where [input is not a player]
      if {_size} > 5:
        cancel event
        broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"


    so umm...2021-03-26_21_08_37.thumb.png.b4b9a21e4b2d8de6a87faadd8b1d718e.pngHere my new skript:

    on spawn of a pig:
    	loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity:
    		if loop-block is spawner:
    			cancel event
    			set {_foundspawner} to true
    			set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1
    			loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1:
    				if loop-block-2 is air:
    					if block above loop-block-2 is air:
    						add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*}
    			set {_size} to amount of entities in radius 9 around loop-block-1 where [input is not a player]
    			if {_size} > 5:
    				broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"

    i only want it to spawn like 2 zombies not 200.

    EDIT: I fixed it, i had to remove the "else:" Thanks @_Tarna_

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