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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. 1 minute ago, tempera said:

    I changed to this and it still does not work:


    on break end portal frame:
    	if event-player is sneaking:
    		cancel event
    		set {selectedPortal} to event-block
    		send action bar "§b§lSelected portal! Do '/portal settarget' to set the portal target!" to event-player
    command /portal settarget:
    	permission: portal.settarget
    		set {portals::selectedPortal::*} to event-player's location
    		send action bar "§b§lPortal target set! Now just walk over it!" to event-player
    on walk on end portal frame:
    	if {portals::event-block::*} is not set:
    		send action bar "§c§lThis portal does not have a target yet!" to event-player
    		stop trigger
    	teleport event-player to {portals::event-block}
    	play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to event-player



    set {portals::selectedPortal::*} to event-player's location

    Change this to "add {Portals::%{selectedPortal}%::*} to {selectedPortal}"

  2. Just now, tempera said:

    I tried it and unfortunaly it still doesnt work.

    1. if you're going to make multiple event-block locations inside a single variable, use a list variable (ex. {MyVariable::Extra::*}) the * at the end calls for everything in that extra list variable.

    2. at the beginning use {portals.SelectedPortal} instead of {SelectedPortal} as this makes it think its its own variable

  3. 1 minute ago, tempera said:

    Although I code java, I am very new to skript, so this will probably be a trivial thing that I am missing here.

    My code just will not set the variable and whenever I step on a portal it will say it does not have a target.


    on break end portal frame:
    	if event-player is sneaking:
    		cancel event
    		set {selectedPortal} to event-block
    		send action bar "§b§lSelected portal! Do '/portal settarget' to set the portal target!" to event-player
    command /portal settarget:
    	permission: portal.settarget
    		set {portals.selectedPortal} to event-player's location
    		send action bar "§b§lPortal target set! Now just walk over it!" to event-player
    on walk on end portal frame:
    	if {portals.event-block} is not set:
    		send action bar "§c§lThis portal does not have a target yet!" to event-player
    		stop trigger
    	teleport event-player to {portals.event-block}
    	play sound "entity.enderman.teleport" with volume 1 and pitch 1 to event-player


    do {portals.%event-block%} as just doing event-block is different and wont work

  4. 21 minutes ago, violetyesno said:

    this might be a silly quesstion but is there a plugin on minehut where players can dance? like how theres a plugin for /sit or /lay thank you ^^

    /sit and /lay are vanilla things that you can do normally. Dancing plugins arent possible as it would need to move your body parts. Plugins can't do that. Mods, maybe. If you want to dance use lunar or badlion.

  5. 1 hour ago, EmDuck said:

    Creepers are annoying in minecraft. In other server hosting platforms (aternos, shockbyte, etc) they all have anticreeper. But MineHut doesn't seem to have a wide variety of plugin options. Please add anticreeper in please 🙂

    you can use skript for this:

    on spawn of creeper:
    	cancel event


  6. 12 minutes ago, FletcherMed said:

    EVERONE... IT WORKS!!! I took a little look at the log, and figured out that the problem was that I had a GUI addon and that was what was messing it all up. So I got rid of it and It works, now I just need to make a texture pack for the glass panes to hearts and I'm good! Thank you everyone for your help!

    Minecraft 1.16.5 4_21_2021 4_52_21 PM (2).png

    No prob mate!

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, ______________19 said:

    every 10 seconds:
      loop all players:
        if {%loop-player%.random} = true:
          give loop-player a random element of all items
          wait 1 tick
    command /toggle:
        if {%player%.random} = true:
          set {%player%.random} to false
          message "&c&lYou have disabled random items" to player
          set {%player%.random} to true
          message "&9&lYou have enabled random items" to player

    Can you please send error messages?

  8. 24 minutes ago, Diakun said:

    How do I download an exported file made by lucky perms as I would like to keep a personal copy of my permissions file?


    Currently i dont think there is a way to download specific files. Use /dl in game and see if that helps your case

  9. 24 minutes ago, justrcrafted said:

    So yeah, I'm back with another skript question! Does anyone know how to, or know a video that explains how to make a box mining server?

    This would take some skript knowledge, as it would require you to fill in specific blocks, marking 2 corners, etc.

    Minehut's skript playlist can help you by clicking here


  10. 2 minutes ago, Scyna said:

    Hello, im starting skript but i cant seem to figure out why this won't work. I've seen other skripts have it but it won't work for me?

    on any movement:
    	# my code here, only worried about the first line though


    Hey @Scyna, you need SkQuery as it contains a bunch of stuff for skript, like in your example.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Skenz_Flow1 said:

    Thx for trying to help but i did it i dont need help anymore

    If you dont need help anymore please mark the post as read


  12. 51 minutes ago, Skenz_Flow1 said:

    So im trying to make guns with skript. Im kinda new at scripting so im sorry if your brain is hurting bcz me lol so i want if you right click at iron horse armor that you are shooting an arrow wich is damiging 2 hearts of a player and has a cooldown of 1 second i tried it myself and.....

    on right click:
      if player's tool is iron horse armor:
        if uncolored name of player's tool is "Ak47":
          cancel event
          loop 2 times:
            shoot an arrow

    thx for everyone whos helping!  

    can you send any errors?

  13. 1 minute ago, Datsniperman said:

    I have my own, i just want to disable the minecraft one


    You can use skript like this:

    on join:
    	set join format to "%player% joined the game! Say hello!"


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