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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. Couple problems with this

    • It sends an alert when someone is hit 3 blocks away. This could set off the alarm so much as a player's max reach is 4 blocks.
    • The killaura check is like the autoclicker/macro check, it dosen't check if you're actually hitting an entity.
    • Everything else listed by @Chig

    • EDIT: Reach also dosent care if you're using a bow or not

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, SuperOrca said:
    command /potato:
            give player potato


    Quality skript. Mustve spent alot of time on it to come up with something this brilliant!


    1 hour ago, capitan_ioaaa said:

    ok i did it

    You will need to wait for a response from one of the staff members

  3. 7 hours ago, g1ps said:

    Hello. "Money Multiplier" Does such a plugin / script exist?
    which works with pex and scoreboard (Placeholders)
    Needed for gen server

    I've already searched everything ...

    If you're looking for plugins unrelated to skript, please don't post in skript discussion

  4. On 4/9/2021 at 4:03 AM, centralwtf said:

    Hi everyone!

    I wonder how did You guys learn to Script in Minecraft. 
    Maybe it was an Youtube Tut, or You learned it Yourself. Im curious becouse I really want to get better at scripting, and I am looking for some cool guide/tutorial.

    Thanks a lot ❤️ 

    EDIT: I posted it in wrong section sorry admin :((( 

    I learned how to use skript by looking through other skripts. Its kinda like typing in english... ish. I learned from other skripts. thats all...

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