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Posts posted by Pryzmm

  1. im trying to find out how many mobs there are in 1 area, but its thinking that loop-block-1 is a world?

    on spawn of a pig:
    	loop all blocks in radius 4 around event-entity:
    		if loop-block is spawner:
    			cancel event
    			set {_foundspawner} to true
    			set {_spawnerloc} to location of loop-block-1
    			loop all blocks in radius 3 of loop-block-1:
    				if loop-block-2 is air:
    					if block above loop-block-2 is air:
    						add loop-block-2 to {_spawnmobloc::*}
    			loop all entitys in radius 9 of loop-block-1:
    				if loop-entity is not a player:
    					add 1 to {_counter}
    	if {_counter} is greater than or equal to 5:
    		broadcast "&cToo many mobs in 1 area!"


  2. On 3/20/2021 at 1:19 AM, SashaEZGG said:

    Add the AuthMe plugin. there is a command such as /register. add it

    I took the time to make a SkAuthMe skript. (MUST NEED SKRIPT) (I never used AuthMe so idk if this resembles it mostly)

    (i request rep pls)




        Reset-Other-Players-Password-Perm: Pass.ResetOther

    on join:
        if {LoggedIn::*} does not contain player:
            loop 10 times:
                if {LoggedIn::*} does not contain player:
                    send "&aLogin To Your SkAuthMe Account! &7/Login <Password>" to player
                    send "&aIf you don't have an account, type &7/Register <Password> <Confirm PassWord>" to player
                    wait 5 seconds
            if {LoggedIn::*} does not contain player:
                kick player

    command /register <text> [<text>]:
        usage: &a/Register <Password> <Confirm Password>
            if {LoggedIn::*} does not contain player:
                if arg-1 is set:
                    if arg-2 is set:
                        if arg-1 = arg-2:
                            send "&aRegistration accepted! Thank you!" to player
                            add player to {LoggedIn::*}
                            set {Pass::%player%} to arg-2
                            send "&cRegistration failed: Passwords did not match!" to player
                        send "&cRegistration failed: Did not confirm password!" to player
                send "&cRegistration failed: Already have an SkAuthMe account!" to player

    command /login <text>:
        usage: &a/Login <Password>
            if {LoggedIn::*} does not contain player:
                if {Pass::%player%} is set:
                    if arg-1 = {Pass::%player%}:
                        send "&aPassword accepted! Thank you!" to player
                        add player to {LoggedIn::*}
                        send "&cRegistration failed: Incorrect Password!" to player
                    send "&cYou don't have a SkAuthMe Account! Register by typing &7/Register <Password> <Confirm Password>" to player
                send "&cYou are already logged in! Type /ResetPassword to reset!" to player

    command /resetpassword [<player>]:
            if arg-1 is not set:
                if {LoggedIn::*} contains player:
                    remove player from {LoggedIn::*}
                    clear {Pass::%player%}
                    send "" to player
                    send "&a&lYOU WILL BE KICKED IN 10 SECONDS! REJOIN TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD!" to player
                    send "" to player
                    wait 10 seconds
                    kick player
                    send "&cYou must be logged in to reset your password! Contact an admin if you forgot!" to player
                if player has permission "{@Reset-Other-Players-Password-Perm}":
                    remove arg-1 from {LoggedIn::*}
                    clear {Pass::%arg-1%}
                    send "&a%arg-1%&a's password has been reset! They have been kicked and told to rejoin!" to player
                    send "" to arg-1
                    send "&a&lYOU WILL BE KICKED IN 10 SECONDS! REJOIN TO RESET YOUR PASSWORD!" to arg-1
                    send "" to arg-1
                    wait 10 seconds
                    kick arg-1

    on movement:
        if {LoggedIn::*} Does not contain player:
            cancel event

    on chat:
        if {LoggedIn::*} Does not contain player:
            cancel event


  3. 2 hours ago, HappyBearr said:

    Dear reader,

    I got banned a year ago for grieving my friend's server he created through Minehut, the server was just new and I had lava. Before that he called a MINEHUT ADMIN who came to see what was going on and before I knew it I got banned ... Not only on my friend's server but I have a PERM BAN on Minehut itself!

    IGN: HappyBearr

    I hope this can be spread so the admins can unban me as I was suddenly banned for no valid reason!

    Thank you for reading!

    If you got banned a year ago and you're still banned it's unlikely that you're gonna get unbanned.

    (Also greifing a server is a reason for punishment)

  4. On 3/18/2021 at 10:16 AM, Ploffsen said:

    Hey! The nether in my server started out as normal, but I quickly changed it to peaceful because.... Most of us are chickens honestly. But now I want to change it, But there is no way? Whenever I do /difficulty hard it says it changes it to hard but it stays on peaceful? And yes, I am in the nether whhile typing this command. And no, there is nothing in the dashboard. So, can someone tell me how to fix this? We really want blazes!


    Also I am sorry if this was posted in the wrong part of the forum...

    Minehut.com > Dashboard > Settings There should be a difficulty option there. Change it and restart the server.

  5. On 3/15/2021 at 5:19 PM, Jackson85 said:

    Honestly this seems like a great idea to me. The only issue I could see from this would be the difficulty in telling new players in how to join their server without typing the command.

    Maybe if a server is up you cant type /join and then the server name. People could instead type /join <Server Name> if they want to tell new players how to join

  6. 2 hours ago, TheLostDragon14 said:

    how do you get unbanned if you are ip banned but when my friend un-ip banned me it still didnt work

    Try telling them to do /pardon-ip <your IGN>

  7. 1 hour ago, ghostyxxc said:

    Hi I have recently made an SMP for me and my friends, and have tried using plugins for the first time but there is one problem... I seem to have allowed a few plugins to players with permission nodes but the main plugin that we need the most, the essentials plugin doesn't seem to work even though I have allowed it in a permission node. Is there anyway I can fix this?

    The main permission for essentials is "essentials.*"

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