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Everything posted by farwl

  1. Glad you figured it out.
  2. You can appeal (once you've changed your skin) here: https://forums.minehut.com/application/form/5-player-appeals/
  3. The purpose of this category is to suggest specific plugins by providing plugin links. Minehut doesn't make the plugins, nor do they maintain them other than updating them with the updated version the plugin author has already made. If the creator of the plugin doesn't update the plugin, that's their fault. If you have any specific plugins you want added, you can leave a link.
  4. Staff will usually contact you.
  5. Assuming you're talking about https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/fundys-baby-mode.80426/, it's only been updated up to 1.15.2
  6. You can report griefers here on the forums. Sorry about your server
  7. farwl

    Best Anticheat

    Send your favorite Anticheat plugin on Minehut right now. - please dont send your scripts lol
  8. What part isn't working
  9. You could have the * permission which gives you all permissions.
  10. farwl

    mute appeal

    Not the right place for appeals.
  11. If he's whitelisted he should be able to join.
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