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  1. so yeah i always wanted to make a server *a good server* so these are the Skripts yes more then 1 skript 1st skript a custom money - commands /money give player 100,/money remove player 100,/money top - need to useable with console 2nd skript - a gui with 3 rows named &5test - all slots filled with black_stained_glass - on click on 1st slot (aka staied glass) enchant the pickaxe with the next higher fortune - on click on 2nd slot enchant pickaxe with hihger eiffeintly - you know what i will say click 3rd slot run /money give player 100 (cooldown of 1min) (loop this forever) (also youc can add lore to pickaxe to make it easier) - click slot makes you break 3x3 area - click slot makes you have speed - click slot make you have jump - click slot makes you mine other blocks (that coudnt be broken before) - click slot makes console run /money give player 100 every 5 seconds all of that should also run /money remove 1003 keep in mind rhis is for a prison server 3rd skript mine reset skript set x 1 y1 z 1 to x3 x3y 3x to stone cube also have chances of other things spawning like cobblestone i think thats all please help
  2. so yeah i always wanted to make a server *a good server* so these are the Skripts yes more then 1 skript 1st skript a custom money - commands /money give player 100,/money remove player 100,/money top - need to useable with console 2nd skript - a gui with 3 rows named &5test - all slots filled with black_stained_glass - on click on 1st slot (aka staied glass) enchant the pickaxe with the next higher fortune - on click on 2nd slot enchant pickaxe with hihger eiffeintly - you know what i will say click 3rd slot run /money give player 100 (cooldown of 1min) (loop this forever) (also youc can add lore to pickaxe to make it easier) - click slot makes you break 3x3 area - click slot makes you have speed - click slot make you have jump - click slot makes you mine other blocks (that coudnt be broken before) - click slot makes console run /money give player 100 every 5 seconds all of that should also run /money remove 1003 keep in mind rhis is for a prison server 3rd skript mine reset skript set x 1 y1 z 1 to x3 x3y 3x to stone cube also have chances of other things spawning like cobblestone i think thats all please help
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