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Everything posted by chillins

  1. chillins

    cant right click

    This could be due to the fact that quite a lot of servers have a protection plugin/spawn protection radius to prevent griefers or people using things that they shouldn't.
  2. Really excited about Skriptify. It's a great and unique idea that really benefits server creators who lack knowledge on skript. Looking forward to viewing the project expand.
  3. chillins

    "Data breach"

    If you just created your account today then your password should be protected
  4. Locked due to necroposting
  5. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. I advise making a report here if you have any sufficient evidence.
  6. Sounds great, looking forward to seeing it
  7. Yeah that would be great, currently in search for an anticheat for an upcoming server I'm working on atm.
  8. This looks interesting, looking forward to its outcome in the future.
  9. chillins


    Hey, you can report a player by clicking here
  10. Seems nice but have you ever tried C02Cake?
  11. Yeah, you can use the whitelist feature to do this so you can add specific players you want to be able to join your server. /whitelist on - turns on the whitelist /whitelist add (username) - adds a player to the whitelist requires op perms to do this
  12. Howdy and welcome to the forums
  13. Wholesome content, it really is a pleasure seeing this. Things like this is what makes my staff experience here worthwhile. I'm always more than happy to assist Juniors and Mods with problems. Made my day thanks ❤
  14. This is sad, wishing you the best
  15. Here's my top 3 favorite. • JRMOD @Reassembly - Pretty cool dude, hardworking and funny. • MOD @Nimmz - Pretty obvious choice, known him since we were first accepted, amazing person and hella funny. • SRMOD @CyberRyan - Funny guy, puts a lot of commitment and effort into Minehut. P.S thanks Riley for voting me above
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