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Everything posted by PyroDellz

  1. PyroDellz

    Server not starting

    Right now minehut is pretty much full on server slots, so if yours isn't starting it's likely just that there's too many other servers online right now. You can check the server slot capacity on the Minehut Panel Homepage (It's the top blue bar towards the bottom of the page) Minehut is working on this issue and is working on getting more server slots in the near future- they just had a fairly recent influx of players that they weren't prepared for. (P.S. Questions regarding server problems and needing support should be posted on the Community Support Topic)
  2. PyroDellz


    Did you restart your server after installing WorldGuard?
  3. Minehut locks the server.properties file because there are ways you can bypass certain restrictions with it- instead most things that you'd need changed in server.properties can be done in the Server Properties tab of the control panel.
  4. PyroDellz


    I'm setting a reminder to dare you again tomorrow then.
  5. In your Server Properties tab, there should be an option called "Level Name" - all you have to do is go into that and type in the name of the world that you want as your default and it should work. (P.S. In the future- for any support questions you have, post them in Community Support)
  6. Oh- I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that those have a set length to them (probably either a year or 6 months), or else people could just use the subscription plan so it's cheaper and then cancel it immediately after. Though like I said, I've never used these subscriptions before- so I could be completely wrong. I'd recommend contacting minehut support if you want a more reputable answer lol.
  7. Also since this post has just become a meme thread I'm taking advantage of it to post my meme on the forums again for the 3rd time.
  8. I know this was just a joke but encase anyone was actually gonna try it you'll get banned for it so I'd recommend not if you enjoy being not banned
  9. PyroDellz


    I dare you to resign as staff from minehut.
  10. If that were the case it should display a chat message spamming you with "flight has been disabled"- unless there's gamerule SendCommandFeedback turned off
  11. @crewly I think all you need to do is reply to your own post a ton and then it will be on hot lol.
  12. You'd need to get a screenshot of when she isn't spamming it so we can see what the actual error message is.
  13. Ah, so it's an essentials addon plugin that you'd need to get for it to work. It's called "EssentialsWarpGUI"- it sounds like you can configure it even more than I had thought, I'd recommend checking it out.
  14. PyroDellz


    Well tbf I feel like when you were insisting that it's "useless" it comes off as more of a statement of fact than just your personal opinion. I'm not saying your wrong, I've never heard of that addon so it could be totally useless like you say- I'm just pointing out if your saying it's "just your opinion" you might want to deliver it in a different way. (also how was @NeoKR2 bragging about anything lol)
  15. Essentials does have a GUI that you should be able to enable/disable- doing /warps should pull up a menu with each warp shown as a clay ball that you can select to warp to. Alternatively you could create a warp GUI with whatever icons and descriptions you want fairly easily using either Create Your Own Menus or Skript. (P.S. I'm not trying to dissuade this plugin from being added, just offering alternatives for now)
  16. Essentials already has a /warp feature, and you can give players access to /setwarp if you want. I believe there's also even a way to set it so players are only able to set a limited number of warps as well.
  17. PyroDellz


    top 10 plot twists
  18. Minehut does seriously need to implement this, but for now there's a plugin called "DiscordSRV" which will allow you to talk between in game and a discord server- but also lets you set a channel in your discord server as a "Console" channel, which will give you the same live feed that there would be if minehut added a live console to the panel. Alternatively you can check your server logs via file manager, but the annoying part is every time you want them updated you have to reload the page, also it clears itself every time the server goes offline- meaning its pretty much only good for troubleshooting.
  19. yes I agree, they should take advantage of this work of art.
  20. you might want to make it so it excludes the person using the command lol
  21. That definitely seems like an issue... seeing as the server.properties file is locked to users I don't know how that could've been changed unless maybe it was some plugin you had? You could try doing "Repair Files" in the Danger Zone tab, which will attempt to fix anything in your files that would be stopping the server from starting. If Repair Files doesn't work you might need to get in contact with a minehut admin seeing as nobody has access to the server.properties file to fix that.
  22. Alright, well- sorry we couldn't get it figured out, but I guess at the very least you know it's not a problem with plugins lol.
  23. This could be done fairly easily with the Create Your Own Menus plugin- though if you install it there is a way for anyone with access to creative mode to op themselves so you'd have to be careful if you do use it.
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