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Everything posted by ThatOneSponk

  1. Yakuza, (CST for short) is a Minehut Community team dedicated to supporting users with their issues. Oh also, how was your day?
  2. LOCKED Please do not respond to posts that haven't been active in over a month.
  3. LOCKED Please do not respond to posts that haven't been active in over a month.
  4. LOCKED Please do not reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month
  5. Moved, If you have questions, please ask in the help category.
  6. Hey! Worldedit can cause that issue, it will transform compasses into teleportation tools by default. I believe you can disable this in your worldedit config. In the future, please ask your questions here. (Moved)
  7. ThatOneSponk

    1.16 Nether update

    LOCKED Please don't respond to posts that haven't been active in over a month.
  8. The Winner: Drumroll please.... The winner of the Nitro Giveaway was @Chickhenry! Congratulations, I will get in contact with you shortly. winner_Trim.mp4
  9. There's this really cool member in the support team, not sure if you've heard of him, their name is Migins. They are very cool But, if ThatOneSponk were part of the support team, I would have to pick him as my favorite. Watch out.
  10. Jr. Mod: @Desfile I've known him the longest, they're all great though. Mod: @Jackson85 He's a funny Texan, what more do I need to say? Sr. Mod: @TehRaptor I've also known him for a while, I respect his creativity.
  11. Please do not respond to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  12. Hey guys, I will be giving away 3 months of Discord Nitro. Sadly, this code will only work for those who do not currently have Nitro. Please only enter if you don't have Discord Nitro already. To enter the giveaway, respond to this post with your Discord tag. (Ex: Sponk#0001) This giveaway will conclude in 5 days, September 21st. Once the giveaway concludes, I will choose a random winner and reply with video evidence as proof. Good luck to all of you!
  13. Please don't reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  14. Please don't reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  15. Please don't reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  16. Please don't reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  17. Please do not reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  18. ThatOneSponk

    Uploading Data Packs

    Please don't reply to posts that haven't been active in over a month. LOCKED
  19. I'm doing pretty good today, you?
  20. Question Answered LOCKED
  21. LOCKED Please don't respond to posts that haven't been active in over a month
  22. Hey, try going into your server's File Manager, when you're there locate a file that is name "banned-ips.json" and delete it. Restart your server afterwards Although, if you've banned other user's IPs in the past, you may want to locate your own IP and remove it from that file.
  23. Hey! Sorry, but as of now there are no plans to allowed cracked users to join Minehut. If you'd like to play on Minehut, please purchase a premium account from here. LOCKED
  24. ThatOneSponk

    Kill Counter Skript

    LOCKED Please do not reply to posts that haven't been responded to in over a month.
  25. Heya, not exactly sure if you can exactly use two permissions like that. But, there is an alternative. command /fly [<text>]: trigger: if player doesn't have permission "vip.fly", "*" or "staff.*": send "&cYou can't use this command!" stop if player's flight state = true: #etc.,
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