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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm

    Advanced Slabs Plugin

    When i type /advancedslabs in my server i get: An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command any way to fix this?
  2. Pryzmm

    Vault economy

    You can use skript and skRayFall you create your own scoreboard
  3. Scenarios 0.1 - By AgentGamerPro - Pastebin.com (link) Version 0.1 (ALPHA) Features 3 scenarios. TNT Drop, Random Items, and Bedrock Trail. Any Suggestions? Quote this and tell me!
  4. I might have some solutions 1) Try closing the game and the launcher 2) Use a normal version of minecraft 3) Try waiting for a bit... 4) Go to help.minecraft.net, there might be an answer to your problem there
  5. this can be done with skript. I think you also need skRayfall. For the money you will need vault every 5 seconds: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "<Name of server/IP>" set score "&a" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 # the numbers at each line of code means where the text will be placed in the scoreboard set score "&3&lPlayer" in sidebar of loop-player to 8 set score "&8• &aName: &a%loop-player%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score "&8• &aMoney: &a%loop-player's balance%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score "&5" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score "&3&lServer" in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score "&8• &aOnline: &a(&f%amount of players%/%maximum players%&a)" in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "&8• &aTPS: &a%tps%" in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score "&0" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  6. can you explain what commands?
  7. not sure if this will work or not try using this for an "on script load" event or smth. idk just a rough idea if <variable> is not set: set <variable> to "<text>"
  8. You could use the "On Disconnect:" event. Also i suggest using list variables, like {Joined::*} instead of {Joined}
  9. Please use the marketplace next time you want someone to make you a skript
  10. format slot <line> of player with <item> named "<name>" to run "<command, can be sudo cmd with essentials>"
  11. Hello @StormLight! 1. I'm glad you took inspiration from the skript i made, really makes me happy 2. I don't know whats wrong with this skript... here is the main stuff in my skript: function spawnmob(loc: location, entity: entity type): spawn {_entity} at {_loc} command /pig: permission: pig permission message: Hey, you can't use this command! trigger: spawnmob(location of player, pig) set name of last spawned entity to "World Border" set {entity} to last spawned entity every tick in world "world": # will be laggy, suggest 5 ticks for better performance set {x} to x-position of {entity} set {z} to z-position of {entity} make console execute command "worldborder center %{x}% %{z}%" hopefully this helps, again, i don't know what's wrong with your skript... maybe it's the different variables? although keep in mind with this skript i sent it dosent save the entity, so you have to do /pig again when the server restarts.
  12. ♪ some-one ne-cro-po-sted, some-one ne-cro-po-sted, some-one ne-cro-po-sted, i wonder who it is? ♫
  13. 1. Read the note they left at the bottom 2. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all
  14. Your server should still be on there, it just might have shut down. If you are worried that you're world will be deleted, you can use the new "Backup" at minehut.com
  15. heres an example skript: on command /example <text>: trigger: if arg-1 is set to give: send "give" to player else if arg-1 is set to remove: send "remove" to player else: send "Use ""Give"" or ""Remove"" for the arguments!" to player
  16. For the problem do %player% and %arg-1%, the random numbers and letters is the player's UUID, not IGN. For the balance variable, if you want a /pay skript, do a command that finds if the player executing /pay has enough amount in the variable, removing the amount from him (ex. {balance.%player%}), and adding argument to the targeted player (ex. {balance.%arg-1%}). Sorry if what i wrote was confusing, it confused me too
  17. it's possible there could be a fix for your skript
  18. If you have the multiverse plugin, do /mvdelete (worldname), then /mvconfirm. Make sure you have another world. If you don't have the multiverse plugin, go to file manager, and delete the folder named your world. Then restart your server. Again, make sure you have another world. If for whatever reason you can't do either of those, go to Danger Zone > reset server (make sure its offline)
  19. teleport [all players|player|loop-player] to location at 0, 12, 3 in world "ul_void"
  20. on rightclick with a compass: set {track location} to location of {MH.hunted} set player's compass target to {MH.hunted} send "&aCompass has now been reset to %{MH.hunted}%&a's current position!"
  21. Didn't you respond to a locked captcha skript? Why don't you use that one?
  22. * = Untested, and unsure if the skript works For what i'm thinking of, I would create a command that adds the block the player is facing to a list. Here's a rough* example: command /setlock <integer>: permission: skript.setcard trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&cSet The Keycard! (1-5)" to player else if arg-1 is "1": add player's targeted block to {Block1::*} send "&aSuccess!" to player else if arg-1 is "2": add player's targeted block to {Block2::*} send "&aSuccess!" to player else if arg-1 is "3": add player's targeted block to {Block3::*} send "&aSuccess!" to player else if arg-1 is "4": add player's targeted block to {Block4::*} send "&aSuccess!" to player else if arg-1 is "5": add player's targeted block to {Block5::*} send "&aSuccess!" to player else: send "&cYou must set the argument from 1 to 5, and must be a number!" to player Now im not sure how to make it open a door, so thats gonna rely on someone else. The next skript finds the player's held item and finds out if it's the right keycard. Here is another rough* example: on right-click: if player's held item is paper named "&cKeycard &7- &4Rank 1": if {Block1::*} contains player's targeted block: # Don't know how to make a door open here so :/ else if player's held item is paper named "&cKeycard &7-" &4Rank 1": if {Block1::*} contains player's targeted block: # Don't know how to make a door open here so :/ else if {Block2::*} contains player's targeted block: # Don't know how to make a door open here so :/ # Repeat the steps here. You should be able to see the pattern, and im to lazy to make the whole thing
  23. Please upload this is skript releases, as this is the discussion place... for discussing fixes for problems with skript. As you seem to have to problems and are releasing a skript, this should be in skript releases
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