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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm


    We will make a "Mine of the tut" series on this.
  2. no they only have the patron parfait
  3. If you got banned a year ago and you're still banned it's unlikely that you're gonna get unbanned. (Also greifing a server is a reason for punishment)
  4. go to the marketplace if you want someone to make a skript for you
  5. dundundundun, doooooo, dundundundun, doOOOOOO
  6. Minehut.com > Dashboard > Settings There should be a difficulty option there. Change it and restart the server.
  7. to look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving
  8. Maybe if a server is up you cant type /join and then the server name. People could instead type /join <Server Name> if they want to tell new players how to join
  9. Why is this allowed? Can we just remove people from being able to type /join in regular chat.
  10. Congrats on 1.5k Content Jackson85!

    1. Jackson85


      Thank you so much Agent! On the road to 2k within the next few months, hopefully. 

  11. Try telling them to do /pardon-ip <your IGN>
  12. The main permission for essentials is "essentials.*"
  13. If the hacker had access to your console, he couldve done anything. (renanme the server, add/remove plugins, reset, etc.) You can use a automatic backup at Minehut.com > Dashboard > Backups
  14. This could mean that your not signed into your minehut account, or that the server you were working on has shut down. TBH im not 100% positive on what it means
  15. I shall take a Patron parfait
  16. Test out how your ads will look in the minehut lobby with this skript! command /ad <text> <text> <text>: permission: add.your.own.permission.here permission message: &cInsufficent Permission! usage: &aSimulate what an ad would look like! /ad <Rank> <Server Name> <Ad Text> trigger: if arg-1 is "non": set {_anotherplaceholder} to "&7%player%" else if arg-1 is "vip": set {_anotherplaceholder} to "&a[VIP] %player%" else if arg-1 is "pro": set {_anotherplaceholder} to "&b[PRO] %player%" else if arg-1 is "legend": set {_anotherplaceholder} to "&6[LEGEND] %player%" else if arg-1 is "patron": set {_anotherplaceholder} to "&3[PATRON] %player%" else: send "&aNot a rank! Current ranks: Non, VIP, PRO, LEGEND, and PATRON" to player send "&aYour Ad:" to player if arg-1 is "non": send "&d[AD] %{_anotherplaceholder}%&7: /join %arg-2% &7%arg-3%" to player send "&aLobby Command: &f/ad %arg-2% %arg-3%" to player send "&cIf you are a default in the lobby, colors will not work!" to player else: send formatted "&d[AD] %{_anotherplaceholder}%&f: /join %arg-2% %arg-3%" to player send "&aLobby Command: &f/ad %arg-2% %arg-3%" to player
  17. about 5 months ago I made an edited version of Sorbon's rainbow chat skript. Right now i'm trying to make it toggleable so you don't have to continuously type /rbc <message>. but when i type something after doing /rbctoggle the server breaks. Here is the skript: It work until I add /rbctoggle and "on chat". Can someone help me understand why this happens and how to fix it?
  18. Try to reset the config Minehut Dashboard > Plugins > TuSKe > Reset Config If that does not work try uininstalling, restart server, reinstall, and restart once more
  19. Admin Build Prevention command /BuildMode: permission: SW.Build permission message: &cInsufficent Permission trigger: if {BuildMode.%player%} is not set: set {BuildMode.%player%} to true send "&aYou have enabled build mode! You can now interact with your surroundings. &2Type /BuildMode again to disable!" to player else if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: set {BuildMode.%player%} to true send "&aYou have enabled build mode! You can now interact with your surroundings. &2Type /BuildMode again to disable!" to player else if {BuildMode.%player%} is true: set {BuildMode.%player%} to false send "&cYou have disabled Build Mode! You can no longer build or break blocks. &4Type /BuildMode again to enable!" to player on break: if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: if player has permission "SW.Build": cancel event send "&cYou cannot break anything! Type /BuildMode to enable breaking/placing blocks!" to player on place: if {BuildMode.%player%} is false: if player has permission "SW.Build": cancel event send "&cYou cannot place anything! Type /BuildMode to enable breaking/placing blocks!" to player Ever accidently break stuff while playing a gamemode? Type /Buildmode to enable/disable building for you and you only!
  20. Pryzmm

    Cant make myself Op

    Please dont necropost on servers that are 1+ months old
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