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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. 100 posts pog

  2. the driver on the bus goes HOLD ON TIGHT SHE'S A WIIILD ONE
  3. Pryzmm

    Money Multiplier

    If you're looking for plugins unrelated to skript, please don't post in skript discussion
  4. Thanks, it works perfectly!
  5. thanks for the support guys
  6. Pryzmm


    you were saying...
  7. 300+ posts on the minehut forums! (but only 19 rep... sad)
  8. I learned how to use skript by looking through other skripts. Its kinda like typing in english... ish. I learned from other skripts. thats all...
  9. Please dont force people to delete their server AND advertize your own.
  10. I dont know why this would happen. If you clicked "Restart Server" in the danger zone tab that might be why. As for the backup i dont know.
  11. Pryzmm

    Credit Cancel

    ive never bought anything from minehut, but try checking your email to see if you can cancel it there.
  12. You can use /dl world [name] to download the world. Then put the world in your minecraft saves folder. Do this by doing %appdata% in your windows search bar at the bottom left, go to .minecraft, and put the file in saves.
  13. i dont think anyone realized the missing door at the bottom
  14. I choose to order Pizza Hut
  15. Pryzmm

    Why part 2

    subtle but the left arrow of /friends is gray while the other is blue. Dosent happen on any other page. Just page 1...
  16. to my knowledge, there are 3 ways to do this. teleport player to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world" This is good but you will have to update it every time you need to. The next skript works much better. command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to player's location send "&aSet spawn at %{spawn}%" to player on join: teleport player to {spawn} With this, you can not only set spawn as many times as you like without reloading, you can also set the pitch and yaw. set {spawn} to location at 0, 0, 0 in world "world" set yaw of {spawn} to 180 set pitch of {spawn} to 0 teleport player to {spawn} This skript is like the first one except you can change the direction the player is looking. Hope this helps, and please give me rep by liking!
  17. gg on helper rosa!

  18. Do i need any addons? I get 2 errors: cant understand this condition/effect: "open last gui to {_p}" cant understand this condition "create new gui with virtual chest named "Melee Shop" with 3 rows:"
  19. Pryzmm


    It wouldnt work because im using a skript variable as currency
  20. Pryzmm


    i was trying to make an auction house with skript
  21. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&b&lMelee Weapons" to close then run [MeleeShop(player)] function MeleeShop(p: player): set {_u} to uuid of {_p} wait 3 ticks open chest with 3 rows named "&a&lShop" to {_p} loop 10 times: if {_i} is not set: set {_i} to 0 else: add 1 to {_i} format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable loop 10 times: if {_i} is 9: set {_i} to 17 else: add 1 to {_i} format slot {_i} of {_p} with gray stained glass pane named "&a" to be unstealable format slot 10 of {_p} with iron sword named "&fSteel Sword" with lore "&7Made loosely with tin an iron.", "&7Maybe not the best choice." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&6100 Coins" to run [SteelSword({_p})] function SteelSword(p: player): if {Coins::%{_p}%} is greater than or equal to 100: give {_p} iron sword named "<##e4e4e4>Steel Sword" with lore "<##d5d5d5>Made loosely with tin and iron." and "<##d5d5d5>Maybe not the best choice." remove 100 from {Coins::%{_p}%} send "&aSuccess!" to {_p} else: send "&cNot enough coins!" to {_p} the SteelSword function wont work? why? i get no errors.
  22. potion effects cant go to 1000, only 255.
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