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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Currently i dont think there is a way to download specific files. Use /dl in game and see if that helps your case
  2. This would take some skript knowledge, as it would require you to fill in specific blocks, marking 2 corners, etc. Minehut's skript playlist can help you by clicking here
  3. Hey @Scyna, you need SkQuery as it contains a bunch of stuff for skript, like in your example.
  4. Pryzmm


    If you dont need help anymore please mark the post as read
  5. Cool server idea, but please give a better explanation as to what features it has (what guns, was it just released, etc.)
  6. Pryzmm


    can you send any errors?
  7. Look in the config files
  8. You can use skript like this: on join: set join format to "%player% joined the game! Say hello!"
  9. I guess. Its not suggested because people would rather play the original game.
  10. Try to disable prefixs in one of the plugins
  11. You can do this with essentials. Simply go to the config and find custom join messages. From there you can do what you need!
  12. Im not sure if this will be added or not. But if you want i can make a skript for you to fix something similar. Add me on discord AgentGamerPro#7897 if you want to
  13. Minehut allows these files and denies these directories:
  14. Pryzmm


    /Gamerule doMobSpawning false then, if you have essentials:/killall mobs. If not, /kill @e[type=silverfish]
  15. If it's saying "Invalid Files!" that means that there are(n't) files there that minehut wont support, or that files that need to get added. Download worlds with /dl, then upload with /ul, as this is the much better option rather then downloading from a website.
  16. The Brewery plugin wont be added because it contians alcoholic potions and getting drunk. The Deadly Distasters plugin could possibly be added though.
  17. It sounds like one of 2 things: 1. Your tps is low to the point that things are really laggy. 2. A plugin of yours is interfering with the world (Multiverse?)
  18. Pryzmm

    Server Reset

    Did you click "Reset Server" in the danger zone? Doing this will delete your server completely Also try to check if it is really gone with /worlds
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