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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Check if the whitelist is on by doing /whitelist off in console. Reset server files in the console danger zone Hope this helped
  2. go to minehut.com and sign in. Go to your server console and type "pardon (username)" WITHOUT THE SLASH ( / )! As @rigs4296 said above, typing / with it will do //pardon instead of /pardon. same with pardon-ip
  3. Pryzmm


    what do you mean "invite"? There are 2 ways to my knowledge to join a minehut server. 1. Use the ip: (Server Name).minehut.gg 2. Join THIS ip: minehut.com and type /join (Server Name) To my knowledge, you can't join a server without using the ip
  4. Post in the off-topic section next time pls. I played minecraft
  5. List your plugins. You can use the TAB plugin and LuckPerms to see your rank in tab
  6. Not sure why this would happen. Check if it is a experimental release, or if the version is 1.16.4, 1.16.5, or 1.17.
  7. Pryzmm

    Servers Not Starting

    Check if the max server count has reached its maximum. Check this by scrolling down at minehut.com. If it has, servers won't be able to start up for a little bit. If this doesnt work, try repairing any potential broken files in the dashboard danger zone. If THIS doesnt work, try repairing plugin config files in the dashboard plugin tab. If THIS doesnt work EITHER, make sure you have 12 plugins, unless it's a paid server. If NONE of this works, go to the minehut support discord server and contact for help there.
  8. SkButton Add Text To Buttons! Using this skript, you can add text to buttons with simple commands! Permission is Text.Use options: prefix: &3[&bSkButton&3] permission: Text.Use command /text [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: {@permission} permission message: {@prefix} &cInsufficent Permission! trigger: if arg-1 is "clearall": if arg-2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &c&lWARNING: &cDoing /text clearall will clear ALL text from ALL buttons!%nL%&7If you wish to continue, do /text clearall confirm" to player else if arg-2 is "confirm": clear {Text::*} send "{@prefix} &aCleared all text from all buttons!" to player else: send "{@prefix} &cIncorrect argument!" to player else if player's targeted block is not a button: send "{@prefix} &cLook at a button before using this command!" to player else: if arg-1 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text (add | set | delete | clear | clearall)" to player else if arg-1 is "add": if arg-2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text add (text)" to player else: if arg-3 is not set: set {_text} to colored arg-2 add {_text} to {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*} send colored "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully added %{_text}% &ato the text!" to player else: set {_text} to colored "%arg-2% %arg-3%" add {_text} to {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*} send colored "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully added %{_text}% &ato the text!" to player else if arg-1 is "set": if arg-2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text set (line) (text)" to player else: set {_integer} to arg-2 set {_integer} to {_integer} parsed as integer if {_integer} is not a integer: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text set (line) (text)" to player else: if arg-3 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text set (line) (text)" to player else: loop {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*}: add 1 to {_index} if {_index} = {_integer}: set {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::%loop-index%} to colored arg-3 set {_sendtext} to colored arg-3 stop loop if {_sendtext} is set: send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully set line %{_integer}% &ato %{_sendtext}%&a!" to player else: send "{@prefix} &cThat is not a line!" to player else if arg-1 is "delete": if arg-2 is not set: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: /text delete (line)" to player else: set {_integer} to arg-2 set {_integer} to {_integer} parsed as integer if {_integer} is not a integer: send "{@prefix} &cUsage: &b/text delete (line)" to player else: loop {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*}: add 1 to {_index} if {_index} = {_integer}: delete {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::%loop-index%} stop loop send "{@prefix} &aSuccessfully deleted line %{_integer}%&a!" to player else if arg-1 is "clear": clear {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*} send "{@prefix} &aCleared all text from this button!" to player on rightclick on button: loop {Text::%location of player's targeted block%::*}: send "%loop-value%" to player
  9. 1. Post issues in skript discussion 2. You should add the generators to a list variable connected with the player. (ex. {Gens::%loop-player%::*})
  10. skript issues go in the skript discussion page. They are in the right page
  11. ah alright thanks
  12. is this going to be a open source skript? a would really love to see this
  13. command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {Spawn} to location of player send "&5Set server spawn to &d%{Spawn}%" to player on join: teleport player to {Spawn}
  14. You can look at what @CoolProgrammer said in this post: Format currency - Discussion - Minehut Forums
  15. 1. Dont necropost 2. What does curse enchantments have to do with this lmao
  16. Pryzmm


    Trent meanie ngl
  17. Sounds like the world got corrupted switching from 1.16.4/5 to 1.17. Check your backups and see if you have anything there
  18. You can use the set chat format to use name color. I've made an example below if {variable.%player%} = 3: set chat format to "&a%player%&f: %message%" if {variable.%player%} = 2: set chat format to "&e%player%&f: %message%" if {variable.%player%} = 1: set chat format to "&c%player%&f: %message%"
  19. Pryzmm


    Was bored so i made tnt explode when its hit with fire aspect 2 enjoy on click: if player's held item is enchanted with fire aspect 2: targeted block is tnt set {_loc} to location of targeted block set targeted block to air summon tnt at {_loc} set fuse time of last spawned tnt to 75 loop all players where [distance between input and {_loc} is less than 50]: play sound "entity.tnt.primed" at {_loc} for loop-player
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