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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Minehut is having difficulties at the moment, be patient
  2. Pryzmm


    True, im having this problem as well. Also only 2000 players are on and 1000 servers. This is about 10x SMALLER than usual
  3. oh i thought they meant turning only the head and not the body
  4. Pryzmm

    Member Moment

    That moment when you reach 555,555 members
  5. Pryzmm


    this is off-topic section...
  6. uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh not possible
  7. agreed, its just a matter of using math
  8. it doesnt show up. Although i get the item when i click the slot
  9. For some reason when making a gui, i cant use it to format a netherite sword. I replace it with a gold sword and it works. format gui slot 15 with netherite sword named "<##ffa600>Dragon Sword" with lore "<##ff6900>Created by the breath of a", "<##ff6900>dragon, this great sword is only", "<##ff6900>for the most serious..." and "&6Price &e&l| &r&610000 Coins": I can also click the slot and it gives me the item, any help?
  10. Pryzmm

    Smooth lines

    copy this: &m━━━━━━━
  11. Use this to check if they are flying %players% (is|are) flying %players% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) flying and use this to make them (not) fly force %players% to [(start|stop)] fly[ing] make %players% (start|stop) flying make %players% fly
  12. i guess, or if you summons a bunch of random items remove the third line and indent it properly
  13. This is the wrong place to ask for an unban that isnt even minehuts fault. If the server has a forum club, join that and see if you can get unbanned there
  14. Pryzmm


    imagine not commenting on this post
  15. Its... its not a plugin Find it in your Server files
  16. Pryzmm


    wow this might die
  17. I dont think modded servers will be implemented ever, or at least for a good while.
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