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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm

    Sort Tab

    still need help
  2. unless you are DETERMINED, this would be near impossible to make just with skript
  3. Pryzmm


    im just gonna leave
  4. [02:36:32] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] WorldManager: Can't load this world because the folder was deleted/moved: world [02:36:32] [Server thread/WARN]: [Multiverse-Core] Use '/mv remove' to remove it from the config! Try following this?
  5. Pryzmm

    Sort Tab

    Is there any way i can sort the names of players using skript in tab?
  6. This is NOT a joke, a serious matter that is to be taken seriously. If you meet a man "Arellanes99" on your server, do 1 of 2 things: • ban them IMMEDIATLY • Ignore their request for creative This has happened from experience.. I met this player on minehut on my server. (In my about me if you want to play). They asked for creative for 3 seconds to give some "Artwork". I was skeptical but I had a permission "Spawn.Edit" so he couldn't do anything to my world. I gave them creative and proceeded to give me a sign in blue underlined named "Custom Pixelart!" DO NOT RIGHT CLICK THIS ON YOUR SERVER / WORLD! This will instantaniously CRASH everyones clients. I didn't bother to check but I doubt you would be able to reenter without having to backup or reset the server. How i know this is because when i saw the sign, i was immediatly skeptical since i knew you could add clickable commands to signs. I saved the sign to a hotbar and switched to a singleplayer world. Sure enough, it crashed. If they send a supposed youtube link, clear chat immediatly. I have not experienced this myself but what I'm told, it's a grabify link that shuts down your internet. For everyones safety, i have included a skript that has /cc (clear chat) If you see this player. Watch out, they might have more tricks, and take everything they say and do with a grain of salt. Here is the clear chat skript. command /cc: aliases: /clearchat permission: Chat.Clear permission message: &cYou cannot execute this command! trigger: loop 200 times: send "&a" to all players send "&3&lThe Chat Has Been Cleared By %player%" to all players
  7. An official clip from minehut i wanted to share (ignore the watermark lol) e.mp4
  8. smh guys just dm each other on discord or somrthing dont post like this
  9. Pryzmm


    oh geez almost forgot about this
  10. teleport player to location((x), (y), (z), world "world")
  11. Try doing this: Go to minehut.com and go to your server dashboard From there, go to the danger zone and click "Force Hibernate"
  12. I use a MH20 server and im still getting ads? They're just hidden? Also when i scroll down the rest of it is white.
  13. uh. I dont think its a file and more of a apk it wants me to download. And how it look sketchy to me, im not downloading it just to watch some movies that i can easily find on netflix ot disney plus
  14. It would be great if you could come up with a unique server idea, maybe recreating a game you like that isnt minecraft, or following the trend like gens and mining servers. If you need a dev, you can add me on minehut or discord. Here are some ideas: Recreating A Horror Game: In Silence, etc. A Rhythm game, dont know what that would look like but you could try! Or just another mining or gen server, up to you really. * Minehut - AgentGamerPro * Discord - AgentGamerPro#7897
  15. nah, their frostys are better
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