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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Try adding a stop Also check if the bot is sending a message in discord when the server starts, like Server has stopped or server has started
  2. Pryzmm


    everyone say 1 letter of the ABCs each message
  3. Pryzmm


    its been 2 days since last post give us a break
  4. i dont see anything that would stop you from building?
  5. oh im dumb, apperantly @Lapzzo didnt realize this either. Here you go on join: set join message to "&7[&b+&7]%coloured player's prefix% %player%"
  6. it might be Set Join Format instead idk
  7. if you could show the errors
  8. could you explain whats wrong, if anything?
  9. As @ItsKirby said, you need to indent and check spelling... on join: loop all players: set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) broadcast "&7[&b+&7]%{_pref}%loop-player'sprefix%"
  10. i- its a joke. If they added that it the messages wouldve shown up anyway
  11. not nice use a saved backup
  12. Waxed Lighly Weathered Cut Copper Stairs
  13. Minehut overrides these settings for the safety of the server. Maybe these wont be overriden when minehut is unleashed but i dont know
  14. Pryzmm


    I gues custom plugins and file manager are top priority
  15. this post isnt about the dashboard but ok
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