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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. is this going to be a open source skript? a would really love to see this
  2. command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {Spawn} to location of player send "&5Set server spawn to &d%{Spawn}%" to player on join: teleport player to {Spawn}
  3. You can look at what @CoolProgrammer said in this post: Format currency - Discussion - Minehut Forums
  4. 1. Dont necropost 2. What does curse enchantments have to do with this lmao
  5. Pryzmm


    Trent meanie ngl
  6. Sounds like the world got corrupted switching from 1.16.4/5 to 1.17. Check your backups and see if you have anything there
  7. You can use the set chat format to use name color. I've made an example below if {variable.%player%} = 3: set chat format to "&a%player%&f: %message%" if {variable.%player%} = 2: set chat format to "&e%player%&f: %message%" if {variable.%player%} = 1: set chat format to "&c%player%&f: %message%"
  8. Pryzmm


    Was bored so i made tnt explode when its hit with fire aspect 2 enjoy on click: if player's held item is enchanted with fire aspect 2: targeted block is tnt set {_loc} to location of targeted block set targeted block to air summon tnt at {_loc} set fuse time of last spawned tnt to 75 loop all players where [distance between input and {_loc} is less than 50]: play sound "entity.tnt.primed" at {_loc} for loop-player
  9. As plugins are still updating and 1.17 was released only 4 days ago, you're bound to run into issues while it's all updating
  10. This is easily able to be done. Just set a variable to 3 and remove 1 when they die with an on death event.
  11. The reset server button i think only works if the server is offline (not hibernating) Check your worlds with /worlds and see if your world is there. Also you cant remove the world "world" since it is a default world. You can change this in minehut.com/settings Theres not really a reason why you wouldnt want it
  12. Got this error, dont know what to do... nothing in logs either
  13. set {spawn} to location(100, 100, 100) # Change 100, 100, 100 set pitch of {spawn} to 90 # Change 90 set yaw of {spawn} to 90 # Change 90 teleport player to {spawn}
  14. Pryzmm


    He meant this as a joke
  15. In principle, building a wormhole is pretty straightforward. According to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, mass and energy warp the fabric of space-time. And a certain special configuration of matter and energy allows the formation of a tunnel, a shortcut between two otherwise distant portions of the universe.
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