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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. I think servers automatically support bedrock, but im not sure since ive never seen a bedrock player on any of my servers. To connect to servers, go to bedrock.minehut.com on bedrock mc.
  2. stop spam asking to do this, someone already left you a skript with it
  3. No problem, hope it goes well for you! And i think, well ig you can, you can get more players on your minehut server, possible more donations to, by going to the server advertizement area thing in the forums
  4. If you did /tp @e zCorruptedMage that teleports all existing entities to you. I dont know why it would crash if you did do /tp @a on the other hand...
  5. You can use the ABC anticheat in the minehut plugins, or, if you're a skript fan, purchase one of the skripted anticheats in minehut.com > market Let me know if this suits your needs, and good luck with your donations : D
  6. heres a line of code that i use that uses hex color formatting. You can try using this? The color is brown, but you can search up a online hex color picker for different colors add ancient debris named "<##614220>Netherite Clicker <##3A2713>- <##614220>[20]" with lore "&6MPC: 7500" to {Clickers::*}
  7. it might be working now? before in either paper or spigot, cant remember, it didnt work, said it doesnt support in this software.
  8. Pryzmm

    Loosing my inventory

    hey, uh, no. dont necropost
  9. i dont know which one, but %tps from the last minute% doesnt work in paper/spigot
  10. on teleport: if {Vanished.%player%} = true: cancel event send "&4Player is not online!" to player
  11. cause noones gonna do it, whos gonna post on a topic for 9 years
  12. Exactly. Less work, less effort, same amount of money earned / hour
  13. Pryzmm


  14. Go to the marketplace, not skript releases
  15. For future reference, percent signs for variables or, in this case player's balance, are used in text. eg. send "Money: %player's balance%" to player eg. add 50 to player's balance
  16. 1. Please dont necropost 2. I think there is actually a better way, told by someone. You can /msg OwnJoke ingame about it i think
  17. Pryzmm


    i dont know im into it, just not sure if thats allowed
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