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  1. Hello! i have a problem i need a skrpit were if you right click on a compass it gens 40% cobble 10% iron ore 30% oak log 19% iron block 1% diamond ore. If you can help me my discord is bunchy7s#8813
  2. yeah um on minehut if i do the command /lobby it sends me to the main minehut sever idk what to do
  3. on minehut i cant see the output on console can you make a plugin that msgs me the output my username is bunchy7s
  4. broadcast timer PLEASE

    1. ProfCube


      I made this extremely simple

      	message: "&b&lMinehut &8» &7We're having a 50%% sale going on our store @ store.burcraft.net" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7If you have spotted a hacker, you can do &c/report&7 to report them" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7We encorage you to do &c/rule&7 to go over any information so that you don't get banned!" or "&b&lMinehut &8» &7If you need any assistance you can do &c/helpop&7 to get attention from our staff team. "
      every 5 minute:
      	broadcast ""
      	broadcast {@message}
      	broadcast ""

      Under the options to add your message that will be picked randomly from. You will need to put them in " " and then to add more you will need to add or after the quotes.

      Every 5 minutes the server will spit out a random message for your players to see


      Just change your massages to what you want, color codes are supported okay


    2. hahhaskrpitgobrrrr
  5. i have a command to sned a skrpit command send "<url:https://discord.gg/R6h738Q>Click here! <reset>Not here!" to all players but i need it to be a timer can anyone help?
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