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  1. idk i like writing lol and also the potion effect thing that you said wasnt working
  2. Hey, I made a troll skript and I've been working on it for almost 3 hours now. because I was bored. Requires: Skript Here's The Code: command /troll <player> <text>: permission: yourservername.troll permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command! usage: &bUsage: /troll <player> help trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if arg-2 is not set: send "&3-----[VERSION 0.0]-----" send "&bThis skript took me so many minutes to make" send "&bUsage: /troll <player> help" send "&3-----[VERSION 0.0]-----" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "help": send "&3-----[VERSION 0.0]-----" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b sprinter &3- &bGives %arg-1%&b speed" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b vanish &3- &bWhere did %arg-1%&b go?..." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b strength &3- &bWoah, %arg-1%&b's weapon is too powerful..." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b cheater &3- &bProbably would be funny seeing %arg-1%&b just flying." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b cheater2 &3- &bGives %arg-1%&b fly for 8 seconds" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b imahacker &3- &bJust found a hacker, Their IGN is: %arg-1%" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b unknownitems &3- &bGives %arg-1%&b items that you can't get" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b op &3- &bGives %arg-1%&b operator, turns out it was just a message." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b deop &3- &bHAH! You thought." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b annoyed &3- &bPlays annoying sounds to %arg-1%" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b crash &3- &bForces %arg-1%&b to say ''I crashed'' then they crash" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b jetpack &3- &b%arg-1%&b wears an invisible jetpack (with particles)" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b message &3- &bFake people sends a message to %arg-1%" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b ban &3- &bKicks %arg-1%&b with a default reason ''The ban hammer has spoken!''" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b stuck &3- &b%arg-1%&b is stuck!" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b imouttahere &3- &bForces %arg-1%&b to say ''Im outta here'' then kicks %arg-1%" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b stop &3- &bSends a stop message to %arg-1%&b then kicks them." send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b servercrash &3- &bKicks %arg-1%&b with the server crash message" send "&b/troll %arg-1%&b eggcrash &3- &bSpawns egg too many egg at %arg-1%&b's location" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "sprinter": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now &oSPEED" loop 15 times: push arg-1 forward at speed 2 wait 1 ticks if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "vanish": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now vanished for 3 seconds!" make arg-1 execute "vanish" wait 3 seconds make arg-1 execute "vanish" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "strength": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now powerful for 3 seconds!" execute console command "effect give %arg-1% strength 3 5" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "cheater": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now levitating for 3 seconds!" execute console command "effect give %arg-1% levitation 3" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "cheater2": send "&b%arg-1%&b has fly for 8 seconds!" make player execute "fly %arg-1%" wait 8 seconds make player execute "fly %arg-1%" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "imahacker": chance of 20%: make arg-1 say "I'm hacking" chance of 30%: make arg-1 say "i played hypixel and got ipbanned for hacking and in minehut servers" chance of 10%: make arg-1 say "im using sigma client" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "unknownitems": send "&b%arg-1%&b has Barrier, Command block, Repeating Command block, Chain Command block, Structure void." give arg-1 Barrier, and command block, and repeating command block, and chain command block, and structure void if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "op": send "&b%arg-1%&b has now operator with no perms (fake op)" send "&7&o[%player%&7&o: Made %arg-1%&7&o a server operator]" to arg-1 if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "deop": send "&b%arg-1%&b is no longer operator, but if %arg-1%&b has operator they wont lose their perms." send "&7&o[%player%&7&o: Made %arg-1%&7&o no longer server operator]" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "annoyed": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now annoyed! (Playing annoying sounds to %arg-1%&b)" loop 15 times: execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.wither.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 1000 1" execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.wither.death master %arg-1% ~ ~ ~ 1000 2" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "crash": make arg-1 say "I crashed" wait 1 second execute console command "execute as %arg 1% at @s run particle flame ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 999999999 force @s" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "jetpack": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now using an invisible jetpack! (30 loops)" loop 30 times: push arg-1 upwards at speed 1 push arg-1 forward at speed 1 wait 1 ticks if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "message": send "&bNow showing messages for %arg-1%" send "&bFrom LOL: hi" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &a[VIP] Herobrine&b: Hello." to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom DragonlyWays_: lol" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom CommandPro: Hi!" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &c[ADMIN] Trent&b: Hello ;)" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &a[VIP] TacticalModz&b: i have a girlfriend meat her" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom Lanc3y: train" to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &a[VIP] luhmao&b: come join valknet i want to show you something" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &a[VIP] KaramDoesMC&b: hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &d[YOUTUBER] ILIKECAKEMAN&b: <3" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &1[HELPER] Reassembly&b: hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom &d[YOUTUBER] MasterClashers&b: sub 2 me" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom Jakobe007: Hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom TOXICXSR: i have a girlfriend its eiteenii" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom Catboy1010: hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom DreamTaem: hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom *JakobeOO7: Hi" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom GlitchedBLX: wanna hear a funny joke? why did a chicken cross the road? (you: to go to the idiots house), ok, knock knock. (you: whos there?), the chicken (you: YOU MOTHER F-)" wait 1 ticks send "&bFrom BoofyHead: iam an 8 yeer olde" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "ban": send "&6Player: &4%player% &6banned &c%arg-1% &6for: &cThe Ban Hammer has spoken!&6." to arg-1 wait 1 ticks send "&cYou have been banned:" to arg-1 send "The Ban Hammer has spoken!" to arg-1 kick arg-1 if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "stuck": send "&b%arg-1%&b is now stuck (100 loop)" loop 100 times: execute console command "tp %arg-1% ~ 256 ~" wait 1 ticks if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "imouttahere": make arg-1 say "im outta here" wait 1 ticks kick arg-1 if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "stop": send "&b%arg-1%&b thought the server stopped!" send "&7&o[Server: Saved the game]" send "&7&o[Server: Stopping Server.]" kick arg-1 if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "servercrash": send "&cI'm sorry but we are working on this command. (so easy to make but i dont know the server crash message)" if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is "eggcrash": send "&b%arg-1%&b is about to crash (WARNING: Be far from %arg-1%&b!)" loop 50 times: spawn egg at arg-1's location wait 1 ticks wait 3 seconds execute console command "execute as %arg 1% at @s run particle flame ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 999999999 force @s"
  3. When I set my world generation to flat it stops my server when i hit "start", please fix flat generation.. please
  4. a--a-a-

    Flat is broken

    I need help, when i set flat on my server it stops, please fix it! pleaaaaaase, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
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