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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. tf is this use "%nL%" to make a new line
  2. suggest this on the minehut meta
  3. you would need to set up a proxy for something like that. You can use the citizens plugins and the skript plugin to set something like that up.
  4. 1. Staff usually arent on forms alot of the time 2. You have made similar posts before 3. Why are you banned 4. If they dont respond, maybe check the minehut discord
  5. run your idea through a parser cause it doesnt work
  6. bruh no thats a terrible idea
  7. mm yes 16 notifications
  8. 1. Coins? 2. They need someone to do the promotion with.
  9. tf is "cooldown on the server"
  10. Pryzmm


    ah okay so its already parsed as text then. im not sure what to do then.
  11. Pryzmm

    Pls answer fast

    with skript you can do this command /dupe: trigger: give player player's tool
  12. tf kind of skript plugin is this
  13. Pryzmm

    False mute

    it encourages spam
  14. Pryzmm


    i mean... not tellin ya to do it but... i sell skripts for money : )
  15. Pryzmm

    1.18/1.18.1 Plugins

    alot of plugins are compatible, just not on the minehut market or addon page. Download them from spigotmc/github
  16. Wollen Sie damit bestimmte Plugins in einer Welt? In diesem Fall gibt es keine Möglichkeit, dies zu tun. Es tut mir leid, dass mein Übersetzer nicht verstanden hat, was Sie gesagt haben. edit: oh Geysir verbindet Grundgestein mit Java? minehut macht das schon!
  17. Pryzmm


    ah i think i see it. The problem might be that its parsed as a timespan. Try parsing it as text, then replacing.
  18. remove the "/" in the command
  19. if you see this profile message react to it 🙂 

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