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  1. h e y pass that along to me will ya? :-
  2. Mrbizarre


    So i bought this plugin "(link down below)" however, it doesn't work with custom balance systems like {balance::%player%} it uses items like #need 5 diamonds instead of the #need 5 diamonds i wan't it to be like #need 5 money or #need 5 {balance::%player%} or #need 5 coins PLUGIN LINK: https://shop.minehut.com/products/simple-gui-maker?_pos=2 FULL CODE: Dm on discord ---> human being#0165 <--- LINE OF CODE THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED FOR THIS TO WORK!: https://pastebin.com/NetFGgbv - NOTICE - I have tried to do this 3 times. However i don't understand it much. So it would mean alot if you could please help me out. It would really help my server
  3. I'm not smart enough to do this i have tried about 5 times so it would be so awesome of you if you could please just do it! I can't seem to figure it out. tysm
  4. So i bought this plugin "(link down below)" however, it doesn't work with custom balance systems like {balance::%player%} it uses items like #need 5 diamonds instead of the #need 5 diamonds i wan't it to be like #need 5 money or #need 5 {balance::%player%} or #need 5 coins PLUGIN LINK: https://shop.minehut.com/products/simple-gui-maker?_pos=2 FULL CODE: Dm on discord ---> human being#0165 <--- LINE OF CODE THAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED FOR THIS TO WORK!: if {_r} contains "##need ": replace all "##need " in {_r} with "" set {_i} to uncolored {_r} parsed as items if number of {_i} in {_p}'s inventory < item amount of {_i}: set {_error} to "" loop {_error::*}: set {_error} to "%{_error}%%loop-value-2%" gui_run({_p}, {_error}) stop continue
  5. Please give me a alternative for this line of code. my error is.. "Can't understand this event at time 6:01 in world world" LINE OF CODE at time 6:01 in world "world": "Blah blah my function doesnt matter"
  6. on load: set {voteday} to false command /votedaystart: permission: admin.sk trigger: if {voteday} is true: send "&8[&cSTAFF&8]&3 a voteday is currently in progress." stop wait 1 second if {voteday} is false: set {voteday} to true send "&8[&cSTAFF&8] &3%player% Started a vote for day." to all players where [input has permission "admin.sk"] broadcast "&8[&9&lVast&d&lSea&8]&7&l a voteday has been started. Type /y to vote for day." set {votedayneeded} to 0 wait 5 minutes if {voteday} is true: set {voteday} to false broadcast "&8[&9&lVast&d&lSea&8]&7&l Not enough votes! [ENDED]" on load: set {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} to 0 set {votedayneeded} to 0 command /y: trigger: if {voteday} is true: if {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} is 1: send "&cYou already voted! Don't mess up are systems grr!" if {voteday} is true: if {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} is 0: send "&aYou voted for &eday!" add 1 to {votedaycount::%uuid of player%} add 1 to {votedayneeded} if {votedayneeded} is 5: set the time to day broadcast "&eVOTEDAY&8| &eSet the time to day!" command /votedayforceend: permission: admin.sk trigger: if {voteday} is false: send "&cTheres not a voteday! Silly!" if {voteday} is true: set {voteday} to false send "&8[&cSTAFF&8]&c Successfully ended voteday." the /y part isn't working, and my head hurts i leave now u fix
  7. @Blueberry755 Bruh... you realize how hard that is right?
  8. Just use set player's max health to 6 You can make a easy lifesteal skript with this..
  9. So i would like to not have to use the plugin: "tab" how can i skript my own?
  10. @Conetic - This code wasn't easy to make if your mad about me sharing it with everyone you shouldn't be. I gave you multiple free skripts don't come to my post showing attitude when all i did was share the skript with everyone. Stop being selfish.
  11. @S1LENT_EG mine stopped working to so i remade it without skbee on join: while player is online: wipe player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&8|&7-----&9&lVast&d&lSea&7-----&8|" set score "&3" in sidebar of player to 12 set score "&d&lYou" in sidebar of player to 11 set score "&8• &7Name: &f%player%" in sidebar of player to 10 set score "&8• &7Rank: %player's prefix%" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&8• &7Balance: &f%{balance::%player%}%$" in sidebar of player to 8 set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 7 set score "&d&lServer" in sidebar of player to 6 set score "&8• &7Online: &7(&f%amount of players%&7/&f%maximum players%&7)" in sidebar of player to 5 set score "&8• &7TPS: &f%tps%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&5" in sidebar of player to 3 set score "&7&o VastSea.minehut.gg" in sidebar of player to 2 wait 1 seconds
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