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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. i need proof that you are the owner of this server before i attempt this, dont wanna break someone elses server
  2. ... ok options: region: region item: emerald named "&a&lAFK Emerald" every 5 minutes: loop all players where ["%region of input%" contains "{@region}"]: give 1 {@item} to loop-player send action bar "&aYou received an AFK Item!" to loop-player
  3. its not indented properly on mine: cancel event set event-block to air if event-block is iron ore: give iron ingot to player else if event-block is gold ore: give gold ingot to player else: give event-block to player
  4. ur previous msg said nothing about a relog. Store the locations of where the seeds will spawn. For a restart or relog combine the "on load" event with a "while", then go through the stored locations from before and spawn seeds.
  5. "on step on crimson pressure plate:"
  6. pretty sure was a joke but ok
  7. Pryzmm

    ban appeal

    appeal at minehut.com/support/form
  8. Im thinkin that the server is having problems right now where bedrock players cant connect. probably because of the "*" in the name.
  9. skript added a new expression called "plain item" on pickup: if player's inventory contains 32 plain cobblestone: remove 32 plain cobblestone from player's inventory give player shiny cobblestone named "&eCompacted Cobblestone"
  10. on death: victim is a player attacker is a player set {_drops::} to drops clear drops give attacker {_drops::} make console execute command "/token send %attacker% 2"
  11. You can download the LuckPerms plugin to set up "groups" (aka ranks) with certain permissions. With Tebex, when someone purchases an item, you can make the server execute "lp user {PLAYER} group add <YOUR GROUP>"
  12. dont make duplicate posts please.
  13. If you have WorldGuard and skript 2.1+, you can use the "on region enter" event to detect when a player enters a region (or in your case, makes a lap) https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=1099
  14. you didnt address the actual question they had, but ye there was alot of broken things there Try this if <Your Variable> = 1000:
  15. dont tell people to dont necro, just report em instead. Beleive me, mods warned me for doin that.
  16. realized you necroposted just now so make a new post and we'll continue there
  17. You can use ColorUtils by Sorbon ColorUtils 1.16+ | skUnity Forums
  18. did test, is possible without the ladder
  19. cool, but a quick suggestion Use %player's uuid% instead of %player% for storing variables as if a player changes their name, their stats wont save unless its saved to the uuid.
  20. essentials has the option to /nick with colored names
  21. you can refer to the skript found in this post (SOLVED) How do I create a leaderboard for kills? | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
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