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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. in your minehut dashboard, go to your console tab and type "op <player name>" DO NOT ADD A "/" AT THE BEGINNING!
  2. thats not a train thats a minecart, ya nerd. gottem
  3. not much farming materials on the market, make something in that category like better hoes, or smth like that.
  4. didnt know you could change display names lmao. thanks
  5. why would you want to delete it? I don't think you can anyways.
  6. i edited the skript, it should work now
  7. Server plans are instant yes
  8. This Skript Is Untested... Merry Christmas # PLEASE NOTE: This Uses A Custom Chat Format. If You Are # Currently Using A Custom Chat Format VIA Skript, Then # Change This Skript To Your Needs options: # max-character-length description: the maximum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1) max-character-length: 16 # min-character-length description: the minimum amount of characters you can have in a nickname. (minimum value can be 1) min-character-length: 1 # allow-colors descripton: (true/false) allow colors in nicknames allow-colors: true # nickname-prefix description: ("~" by default) if a player has a nickname, the set prefix will be behind their nick. Set to "NONE" for no prefix nickname-prefix: ~ # command-base description: ("nick" by default) set the command base to the set value (e.g. /nick <Name> <Nick> could be /setmyname <Name> <Nick>) command-base: nick # usage-permission description: ("sknick.use" by default) set the permission node for use of the command. Set to "NONE" for no permission needed usage-permission: sknick.use command {@command-base} [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if "{@usage-permission}" = "NONE": set {_canuse} to true else if player has permission "{@usage-permission}": set {_canuse} to true if {_canuse} is not set: send "&cYou cannot use this command!" to player stop if arg-1 is not set: send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player stop if arg-1 is "set": if arg-2 is not set: send "&6/{@command-base} Set <Nick>%nL%&7Your nick must be between {@min-character-length} and {@max-character-length} characters long" to player else: if length of arg-2 > {@max-character-length}: send "&cYour nickname is too long!" to player stop if length of arg-2 < {@min-character-length}: send "&cYour nickname is too short!" to player stop if {@allow-colors} is true: set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to colored arg-2 send "&6Your nick has been changed to %colored arg-2%" to player stop if {@allow-colors} is false: set {Nick::%player's uuid%} to uncolored arg-2 send "&6Your nick has been changed to %uncolored arg-2%" to player stop else if arg-1 is "unset": clear {Nick::%player's uuid%} send "&6Your nick has been removed!" to player else: send "&6/{@command-base} <Set/Unset>" to player on chat: if "{@nickname-prefix}" = "NONE": set {_nickfinal} to {Nick::%player's uuid%} else: set {_nickfinal} to "{@nickname-prefix}%{Nick::%player's uuid%}%" if {Nick::%player's uuid%} is set: set chat format to "<%{_nickfinal}%&f>: %message%" else: set chat format to "<%player%>: %message%"
  9. Pryzmm


    Once bitten and twice shyI keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
  10. Pryzmm


    yes and no /dl was removed as of minehut unleashed. Now you can right-click files in your file manager to download them easily.
  11. options: stick: stick named "&bExperience Stick" with lore "&7Hold Right-Click To Get Experience" amount: 1 on rightclick: if player's held item is {@stick}: add {@amount} to xp of player command /givestick: permission: EStick.Give trigger: give player {@stick} send "&bYou received an Experience Stick!"
  12. this looks like a good plugin Origins-Bukkit [1.17-1.18.1] - Bukkit Plugins - Minecraft - CurseForge
  13. Pryzmm

    Server not found

    The server name was possibly changed. If it didn't, try going to the multiplayer list and add the server "<server name>.minehut.gg" to see if that works.
  14. bruuh... command /dupe: cooldown: 0 seconds cooldown message: &7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > You can use this command in &d%remaining time%! trigger: if player's held item is air: send "&4&lHfc&3&o&lX&f&lDupe > &4[!]&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 SAID NO DUPING AIR ! " cancel the cooldown stop else: if type of player's held item contains bedrock : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains End Portal Frame: send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains Ender Chest : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains paper : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains white shulker box : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains black shulker box : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains red shulker box : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains dragon egg : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains tripwire hook : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop if type of player's held item contains nether star : send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > This item is &0&l&oblacklisted ! " cancel the cooldown stop give player player's tool loop 3 times: give player player's tool send "&7&d&lDupeX&e&lSmpSF&5&lS1 Said > Duplicated &e&l%player's tool%&6&l!" to player
  15. loop 3 times: give player player's tool
  16. you can put your server up on server lists to get a couple players, but other than that not really.
  17. Do you have any plugins on your server?
  18. you can use the LuckPerms plugin to add permissions to your server. These permissions can allow players to execute certain commands.
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