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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. this has been elaborated, they dont get it
  2. 1. Post this in skript discussion next time 2. whats your skript version and server version 3. whats your server (paper, spigot, etc.) 4. when did this start happening saw you said this happened after the update. 5. send your skript
  3. You can update these plugins yourself by going to their SpigotMC pages
  4. options: # change the coordinates to your safe zone corners (top right and bottom left for example) # also change the world name to the world of your safe zone pos1: 0, 0, 0, world("world") pos2: 100, 100, 100, world("world") on spawn: if event-entity is within {@pos1} and {@pos2}: cancel event on damage: if victim is within {@pos1} and {@pos2}: cancel event try this
  5. That could be either your ping or the server's TPS. To check your ping, you can go to Ping test - www.meter.net To check your servers TPS, get essentials and type /tps Also this isnt a skript issue just saying
  6. read the literal previous message smh
  7. ... W h a t I s T h e I s s u e
  8. hey. Use this tutorial on SkriptHub, guaranteed to help you with your command problems Custom Commands - Skript Hub
  9. mmyes... actually an even better idea. Since Christmas Is Coming, Allow Gifting ANYTHING To Other Players, Not Just Ranks
  10. Pryzmm

    not nice

    create server backups from time to time.
  11. cool cause i remember chatbots being banned for /ad rewards. Glad theyre not 100% banned
  12. if you have skript, you could try something like this # Java Only on join: if "%player%" contains "*": kick player due to "&cThis server is java only!" # Bedrock Only on join: if "%player%" does not contain "*": kick player due to "&cThis server is bedrock only!"
  13. Pryzmm


    17 more days. @Xcardwhats our reward if we win
  14. huh weird, never happens with me. I use opera GX and limit my CPU and it works fine.
  15. ... did you not read the post by @KingKline2
  16. Im not 100% sure if you can do this on IPhones but if you go to your server and to your file manager, "right click" on it and try to download it. Only Files That End With .Log And Not .Log.gz Will Work!
  17. here is a list of things to do: 1. Check your server logs 2. Check your minecraft and version version, see if they match 3. Contact minehut support at minehut.com/support/form
  18. check your server logs and send them here
  19. Doing %arg% with 1 argument will work the same, the slash character in aliases is not needed, and doing the slash character in the first line is also not needed. The skript wont stop itself either since the skript itself IS a loop, executing the same command every 3 seconds. To stop this, you could use a variable and make another command to set that variable true/false. Then after it waits 3 seconds, check if said variable is true.
  20. agreed Use the TAB plugin its 10000% better
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