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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. this is because your server ha sran out of RAM. buy a server plan or remove unneeded plugins from your server.
  2. we actually need to report this guy or ip mute him or smth. seen this msg around for a while and i dont trust clickin on it.
  3. soooooo close to a necro also theres no line 220?
  4. Pryzmm

    help me

    1. hi fohng lol 2. check if you changed your player count in the settings of your dashboard at minehut.com > YOUR SERVER > settings. If you didnt, change the player count to 20, and restart.
  5. if you're using skript-gui you can use this: (only with GUIs from the plugin) format gui slot 5 with dirt: kill player Otherwise if you're trying to do something on an item click without skript-gui, try this: on inventory click: name of player's inventory is "&eMy Inventory" if event-slot = 5: cancel event kill player
  6. Use something like this teleport {_p} to location(0.5, 65, -2.5, world({_server}), 0.1, 0.1)
  7. improved version (removes 1 of the clicked item when claimed and only works with the {@500} item) options: 500: paper named "&6&l500 Coins" on rightclick: if player's held item is {@500}: send "&7&lYay, You have claimed &6&l500 &7&lCoins!" remove 1 of player's held item from player's inventory add 500 to {coins::%player's uuid%} command /500: permission: sk.500 trigger: give {@500} to player
  8. your server has to be a paper or spigot server.
  9. Check your console for any errors regarding your server.
  10. Check your console to see if any errors appear.
  11. Pryzmm


    very smoll. 2x2 arena.
  12. if the file ends with .log.gz then you cant open it anymore, only files ending with .log, in which case open it with notepad.
  13. not sure, this has happened to me before though. Your best shot is to download skript and create a script with this: on load: make console execute command "whitelist on"
  14. Pryzmm


    in your console at minehut.com, type "op <player name>"
  15. Pryzmm


    This will not reset any progress made in your server. It will increase ram and player count, but thats about it.
  16. its possible that one of your mods have corrupted the chunk, crashing the world. (maybe Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1)??) edit: [18:45:15] [main/WARN]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=3 on fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:server.WorldChunkMixin::handler$zca000$onLoadBlockEntity exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. it seems that this is probably the problem. it exceeds the maximum value of 0 on loading block entities. (i'm rly trying to understand but dont at the same time)
  17. I think its a crash shulker, which basically its sole purpose is to.. yknow... crash people. Youve basically been hardlocked from said server. do everything you can to remove the item from your inventory and/or world. /clear your inventory, /killall drops if you have essentials. Use coreprotect.
  18. your minehut server should end with ".minehut.gg"
  19. Try checking console to see if any issues appear there.
  20. valid reason that youre getting muted... check your servers console and see whats disconnecting you.
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