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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. we wouldnt know the server you played...
  2. yes its very much possible. command /unequip: trigger: if helmet slot of player is air: send "&cYou can't unequip nothing!" to player stop set {_item} to helmet slot of player if player has space for {_item}: set player's helmet slot to air give player {_item} send "&aUnequiped your helmet slot!" to player stop send "&cYou don't have enough space!" to player
  3. Not sure because I don't think you can edit it. I think it's a Fabric mod interfering with world generation.
  4. Important Message: Security vulnerability in Java Edition | Minecraft If youre using 1.17, probably not
  5. k fine. If you were banned for botting on a hacked client, then yes, youre gonna get banned. I'm not sure if your ban will be shortened if you say it was unintentional or not, but you can appeal at minehut.com/support/form im pretty sure
  6. minehut did real well with its ban coloring
  7. thats sadge. Best thing you could do is download a virtualbox and play the patch there.
  8. /favortite it again to unfavorite it
  9. Recently, a new minecraft-wide vulnerability has been released that can get into the victim's computer. Minehut has taken strides against this and disabled chat. While this is very limitating about how you can communicate now, Minehut has everyones safety in mind. I have created a couple skripts to help with this problem. This skript allows the use of a command to chat IN THE ACTION BAR, while limiting the player to only letters and numbers. No special characters can be used. the characters available are here: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q u r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (and space of course) ALL OTHER CHARACTERS WILL BE DELETED BEFORE SENT! ALERT ME IF THE BUG PERSISTS!!! THIS IS ONLY A TEMPORARY SOLUTION AND THE VULNERABILITY MAY STILL OCCUR! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Download the .sk file below and apply it in your scripts folder with the skript plugin. SkFreedChat.sk
  10. /favorite <server name>
  11. ye ik, but for the other skript needed the plugin skript-gui
  12. quote "Within minutes of paper releasing a fix, there were multiple pings in server communities. Any version that uses log4j2 was affected and players could have gotten shell access. I can guarantee that Hypixel admins within minutes pushed the fix to their 1.8.9 servers and or changed the JVM arguments. While it is not known how long people have been using this information it is unlikely your IP was taken. Regardless, taking IPs is useless unless the exploiters wanted your IP personally. You are 100% safe. Accounts cannot be hacked."
  13. try "if players held item is %itemtype%" like " if player's held item is end portal frame named "&aEnd Frame": "
  14. its probably server related for paper and spigot servers. Im not sure maybe big servers like hypixel found a way to fix it or they just dont know about it.
  15. what was the security issue? im confused.
  16. some servers currently will be kicking you. I dont know why it just is happening to some servers right now.
  17. why the necro make a new post about your issue
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