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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. so you vote for the time to be day? Try this (untested) options: mainworld: world command /voteday: trigger: if time in world "{@mainworld}" is not between 18:00 and 6:00: send "&cYou can't vote for day time during the day!" to player stop if {DayVoted::*} contains player: send "&cYou already voted for day time tonight!" to player stop add player to {DayVoted::*} send "&6You voted for the time to change to day!" to player set {_playersneeded} to number of all players / 2 replace all ".5" with "" in {_playersneeded} set {_playersvoted} to size of {DayVoted::*} broadcast "&6%player% voted for the time to change to day! (%{_playersvoted}%&6/%{_playersneeded}%)" if {_playersvoted} >= {_playersneeded}: clear {DayVoted::*} set time in world {@mainworld} to 6:01 broadcast "&eThe time has been set to day!" at time 6:01 in world {@mainworld}: clear {DayVoted::*}
  2. this skript is a nightmare. "Create" syntaxes dont exist ANYWHERE in skript, theres no input called "addon: ", whatever this line is: all the message that has sent to the players of the players that is in the ip address of the server would be "&cThe server has been created by &6%player%&c in &6%time has remained of the remained the time of the time of the server of the ip address%" TL;DR this code hurts my brain, near impossible to recover that code.
  3. 1. use @Mrbizarre's suggestion 2. this isnt a skript related issue unless the life steal is a skript. In which case send the skript.
  4. why the "stop"? this would stop the entire skript and only 1 player would be the tab. best thing to do is use the tab plugin, and customize it in config.yml file. enable/disable settings that you wanna do in skript (e.g. disable prefixes in tab, doable in skript with "set tab name")
  5. dont know why this was voted down, its a valid response i agree with... But anyway if the owner isnt online best thing to do probably is (if you have essentialsX) do /killall all to delete all entities (expect players)
  6. Pryzmm


    24 more days until this challenge ends!
  7. I think they mean to ask how to get a player in a list variable to execute a command Try doing this for looping players in a variable: loop all players where [{MyList::*} contains input]:
  8. This is a great guide! Might use it
  9. im pretty sure you can whitelist bedrock players like normal. Type "/whitelist <add/remove> *<Bedrock Name Here>" WITH THE * OR ITLL WHITELIST A JAVA NAME
  10. never had a issue with Opera GX being CPU intensive, but try limiting how much your CPU is used with Opera GX's features
  11. the plugins will have to be updated by the creators of the plugin before publicly used for 1.18. Check their spigotmc pages for plugin updates
  12. im not 100% sure since minehut changed how you can report players but i think you can report them at the hyperlink below Minehut - Free Minecraft Server Hosting
  13. Use a backup and restart your server if you have one.
  14. Are you in 1.18? If so minehut is not having the best time with connecting 1.18 players, at least for me since i lag a lot on 1.18 minehut.
  15. Pryzmm

    Unable to Op

    Agreed, but it wasnt minehuts decision to remove the "/" from console commands. Open up a private server on your computer and open your console, youll see that you cant do "/help" and have to do "help" instead, at least thats how it is for me. Minecraft automatically does this, not minehut.
  16. Use a backup and report the player edit: oop didnt see the responses
  17. Pryzmm

    Minehut Slots

    possibly the only reason they would want this is for the 24/7 online perk. But ye these plans sound good
  18. send the skript and your skript version edit: nvm just send the skript i found the version edit 2: probably because your skrayfall isnt updated to 1.17 edit 3: actually all your skript addons are outdated, update your plugins and it may work
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