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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. could you send a screenshot of this?
  2. pretty sure minehut has plans for this in the minehut meta
  3. Pryzmm

    Uploading Plugins

    pretty sure minehut wont allow you to change a MOTD via a plugin
  4. Pryzmm

    Uploading a world

    you can download the multiverse plugin and type /mvl to show your world list, and /mvtp to tp to that world
  5. not a plugin You can already connect bedrock to java servers
  6. Pryzmm

    i keep seeing these

    wrong if you have a plugin like AdvancedBan that has a custom /kick, try /minecraft:kick
  7. use %player's uuid% instead of %player% also this does not require skQuery...
  8. on pressure plate isnt an event...
  9. no Did this happen recently? if thats the case then minehut is planning something, otherwise this is from minehut unleashed.
  10. cancel drops drop 1 tripwire hook named "&aKey" at location of victim
  11. the plugin is probably incompatible with your server version.
  12. 3 errors to fix: Line 8: "if player's is air" should be "if player's tool is air" Line 14: missing a ":" at the end Line 25: the "send" was mistyped as "sebd"
  13. You can enter the luckperms config file in the file manager and scroll down to line 671, from there change the setting to true
  14. it is a temp variable. Since you have a "_" at the beginning of the variable
  15. it means something went wrong... best thing to do is try again later
  16. youre setting {_reward} (a temp variable) to itself multipied by a multi that is also a temp variable and unset. The result will be <none>
  17. Pryzmm

    im back

    welcome back
  18. To be fair, minehuts backups are unreliable to some, but I have yet to have this problem ever. Minehut's backup system isnt something to use until its a last resort, which is why you should download important files and worlds, in case something happens in the restoration process where itll corrupt and break. Save backups often, it will be less likely to break if it has less to change.
  19. It looks like region files are missing for your world. Dont think there is a way to recover this without creating a new world file.
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