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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Hello! But uh, maybe dont post the same thing twice...
  2. Pryzmm

    MCMMO 1.18

    i mean, if you're willing to pay 20$ USD then you can upload the file yourself via this hyperlink [Official] mcMMO - Original Author Returns! | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
  3. Pryzmm

    Uploading a world

    you can now upload/download your files and worlds via the new file manager. You can rightclick a file to download it.
  4. send your server logs
  5. refresh the page, or wait a bit before submitting again
  6. you can load a backup of the server to get the resources back
  7. try downloading Placeholder API then doing /papi ecloud download kiteboard (if it exists)
  8. Pryzmm


    Stats on 1/2/2022: 398 Replies Most popular day: April 19, 2021 with 27 posts Top Poster: me with 108 posts Most popular post: "gotta keep the fire going, don't let the flame die out!" by @Checkmate128
  9. Pryzmm

    Bungeecoord Plugin Folder

    funny how you can set your own post as best answer
  10. You cant fix that, this is because minehut has to many servers running at the moment. You just have to wait.
  11. Pryzmm

    Change World Height

    pretty sure you cant change the world height
  12. you can manually update it yourself by downloading and uploading the .jar files
  13. they are bots. best to ignore them, server will get suspended eventually
  14. Pryzmm

    Banned for no reason

    wait for a response through your email then
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