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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. wrong. I checked the files myself and they dont contain any viruses inside. Run it through https://www.virustotal.com and youll see this: its a .txt file how tf would you think its a virus... Next time, check if its actually a virus before complaining because chrome flagged it.
  2. It probably requires some addons like SkQuery or things like that.
  3. try "send" instead of "message". if that doesnt work then i donno
  4. lmao it reads "any australians in chat?"
  5. that is a option...
  6. Your server.jar file is missing from your server. Best to contact support at minehut.com/support/form
  7. this seems to happen to other bedrock players
  8. the ram automaticlly changes
  9. minehut is very much aware of this bug as it is impacting all bedrock players. (to my knowledge)
  10. the clearchat command will spam console, instead you should use 'send " " to all players'
  11. You didn't indent it correctly, so it won't let you use the "else:"
  12. Pryzmm


    It was most likely because of an exploit that existed before. You can appeal here: https://www.minehut.com/support/form
  13. Minehut will likely never allow cracked accounts
  14. look through this and see if it answers your question Zombie Villager – Minecraft Wiki (fandom.com)
  15. Pryzmm

    Mcpe not working

    This is a current bug with minehut right now
  16. you caan find records on the minehut discord
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