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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Its a temporary variable, so it clears once it stops running
  2. Pryzmm


    send the logs
  3. Delete the nether world in your file manager and let it regenerate via restart. If you have multiverse then its possible that it will regenerate the world from its last saved point. In that case you delete the world in your file manager, then go to the world file in your multiverse plugin and delete it from there too.
  4. Releases · SkriptLang/Skript (github.com)
  5. Pryzmm


    oh god he put an IP checker in there too
  6. get both players to relog, it could be ghost blocks or a visual bug with the borders.
  7. Untested but parsed in parser.skunity.com options: world: world every 10 ticks: loop all players where [block below input is a diamond block]: add loop-player to {_list::*} send action bar "&6Players Waiting: &e&l%size of {_list::*}%" to {_list::*} if size of {_list::*} = 20: set {_index} to 1 loop {_list::*}: if {_index} is 1: set {_index} to 0 add (loop-value parsed as player) to {_group1::*} else: add 1 to {_index} add (loop-value parsed as player) to {_group2::*} teleport {_group1::*} to location(0, 60, 0, world("{@world}")) teleport {_group2::*} to location(1, 80, 1, world("{@world}")) play sound "entity.firework_rocket.blast" at {_group1::*} for {_group1::*} play sound "entity.firework_rocket.blast" at {_group2::*} for {_group2::*}
  8. The origins mod has had this issue many times.
  9. the tutorials are outdated and arent using the new dashboard.
  10. the entity wont be saved in the variable when the server stops or restarts.
  11. Send the server logs
  12. Pryzmm

    Potential dupe

    If the server is rolled back to it's latest save, then i dont see how you could dupe items.
  13. Pryzmm

    What's popping?

    Say you're traveling the vast ocean of space in a spaceship. Trying to find a unique Minehut server is like trying to find the same star twice. It's near impossible to find a GOOD server in Minehut because it's filled with box, gen and lifesteal servers. (My server IS, on the other hand, unique though. (Check my signature ))
  14. seems to be from this line: [16:41:31] [Server Watchdog/ERROR]: A single server tick took 6.02 seconds (should be max 0.05) Disable or remove the datapack and load the server again and see if that fixes the problem. If it does happen to fix it, send me the datapack and ill look into it.
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