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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Skoice: Proximity Voice Chat | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Arup | Minecraft proximity voice chat plugin | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat - Realtime music and effects - BungeeCord | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Some suggestions
  2. you have to restart the server.
  3. if you set the chat format to "%player's display name%" it will only show their name and not the actual message
  4. Contact the server administrator and tell them about the false-advertizement
  5. votes are lookin close right now
  6. no this is an issue with minehut right now. wait while it gets resolved or play on java
  7. sometimes minehut will unwhitelist your server
  8. In the settings tab on the server, scroll down to server properties. Change the player count from 10 to 20, save, and restart.
  9. check if everything is indented correctly
  10. Multiverse and VoidGenerator plugins
  11. are you running spigot plugins?
  12. dont use "execute console command" instead use this: teleport player to location(0, 0, 0, world("world"))
  13. make your own post about this and not on someone elses post. (unless its a "making free skripts" post)
  14. check the server logs and send them here
  15. you dont need to delete but ok
  16. on death: if victim is zombie: clear the drops chance of 5%: set {_drop} to diamond named "&9Test" drop {_drop} at victim's location
  17. Pryzmm

    Can I get unmuted

    appeal at minehut.com/support/form
  18. if they have the permission, they will be able to execute the command. They cannot change anything in it unless they have console access.
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