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  1. Logs before crash: https://pastebin.com/Ja5dxExn Line 393 is the crash error.
  2. Smart, totally forgot I had my server IP in the script, as I am using it for my own server haha
  3. command /annrestart: permission: <Enter Permission Here> trigger: loop all players: broadcast "&4&lWARNING: &c&lSERVER RESTARTING FOR CHANGES IN ONE MINUTE. SERVER IP:&4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" broadcast " " wait 1 minute broadcast "&4&lWARNING: &c&lSERVER RESTARTING FOR CHANGES IN 10 SECONDS. SERVER IP:&4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" broadcast " " wait 5 seconds send loop-player title "&4&lSERVER RESTARTING" with subtitle "&cServer IP: &4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" for 10 seconds broadcast "&4&lWARNING: &c&lSERVER RESTARTING FOR CHANGES IN 5 SECONDS. SERVER IP:&4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" broadcast " " wait 2 seconds broadcast "&4&lWARNING: &c&lSERVER RESTARTING FOR CHANGES IN 3 SECONDS. SERVER IP:&4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" broadcast " " wait 2 seconds broadcast "&4&lWARNING: &c&lSERVER RESTARTING FOR CHANGES IN 1 SECONDS. SERVER IP:&4&ldupeinabox.minehut.gg" execute console command "/restart" You can of course replace my server IP with yours.
  4. I was setting up multiverse portals in my server, and they worked completely fine for me, but someone joined and tested it out and it didnt work? Is there a permission for this, and if so I am using luck perms.
  5. There is an automatic AFK thing in the plugin called TAB, to give people a key every 5 minutes, it is pretty easy. every 5 minutes: loop all-players execute console command "/crate givekey %loop-player% RareKey 1" NOT TESTED, MAY NOT WORK.
  6. First of all, these are the commands to make the coal rank, /lp creategroup coal, and /lp group coal meta setprefix "&l&0[COAL] &8" Here is the script: command /freerank: cooldown: 10 minutes cooldown message: &cPlease wait &4&l%remaining time% &c&rto do this again. trigger: execute console command "/lp user %player% parent add coal" #MAKE SURE THE COAL RANK IS ALREADY SET UP IN-GAME. command /removerank: cooldown: 10 minutes cooldown message: &cPlease wait &4&l%remaining time% &c&rto do this again. trigger: execute console command "/lp user %player% parent remove coal"
  7. Make sure where it says &c, there is no word after it, for example: "&lDEFAULT | WE", This is wrong, as it will make the WE go into your name.
  8. Add me on discord, Dusk#6494, and we can work something out.
  9. try uninstalling skript and reinstalling, you probably edited some important files
  10. command /report [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg-2 is not set: send "&7Usage: &c/report [player] [reason]" to player send "&a&6/report steve fly" to player else if arg-1 is not set: send "&7Usage: &c/report [player] [reason]" to player send "&a&6/report steve fly" to player else if arg-1 = player: send "&cYou can't report yourself!" to player else: send "&a&oPlayer succesfully reported!" to player send "&c&lPlayer &a%player% &creported &4%arg-1% &cfor &4%arg-2%" to all players where [input has permission "reports.see"]
  11. I believe it is supposed to be if type of event-block is Beacon: But that works too.
  12. on place: if event-block is end_portal_frame: cancel event on place: if event-block is Barrier: cancel event on place: if event-block is Beacon: cancel event #to edit, replace the block name with the name of whatever block you want to get removed.
  13. I’m not sure how possible this is, but I’ll work on it
  14. command /discord: trigger: message "&3Discord server: &b(discord server link)" to player command /youtube: trigger: message "&3Youtube Channel: &b(youtube channel link)" to player #You can keep copy pasting this but changing the command name and message.
  15. If you want to add more messages onto the auto broadcast just add this, [make sure to add 'x' onto the 'every 1 minutes', for example, if x = 30 (wait 30 seconds) add the 30 onto the 'every 1 minutes' (every 90 seconds)] wait x seconds broadcast "(message)" If any questions, feel free to ask.
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