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ButterflyBullets last won the day on April 27 2022

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About ButterflyBullets

  • Birthday March 4

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  1. So ive been skripting lately and every time i test the skript on minehut it says something like "a severe error happened with skript and its not your fault and you cant do anything about it." and its a plugin like tuSKe or SKquery or SKBee, so those plugins become unusable. Anybody know why?
  2. If there is something that you want done then just tell me, i'm pretty good at Skript so ill be able to do most things. Not all though.
  3. Im currently learning JS and would like some tips for learning it, if you have any pls let me know
  4. I think you should do whatever you feel like you wanna do, if you want to quit then don't hesitate, but on the flip side if you dont wanna quit then don't. Me personally I can't find much original servers on there but there is a few that I play. If you decide to quit that fine and I wont try to stop you, but if you decide not to you can try to find a original server to play on and have some fun.
  5. “At first I felt dizzy - not with the kind of dizziness that makes the body reel but the kind that's like a dead emptiness in the brain, an instinctive awareness of the void.”

    ― Fernando Pessoa

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