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Everything posted by Nd_

  1. If you don't have a permissions plugin, type /op <user> into the console Else, make a group named Owner, give it the permission you want, and give yourself the group
  2. IDK why I set it to that, maybe when Minehut releases the ability to change your forum name, I'll change it
  3. I can bet there is a way, but is pretty hard(like a SQL server)
  4. huh, does it say this error when you type it in chat? EDIT: my error message in the logs is also different [00:13:37] [Server thread/INFO]: [Citizens] Could not fetch entity id mapping fields: net.minecraft.server.v1_14_R1.MinecraftKey.getNamespace()Ljava/lang/String;.
  5. So that's why I couldn't join on 1.14 and my citizens were disappearing. (also are all of your npc's but one are gone from /npc list?)
  6. Forums: Go to the user's profile and select Message In Game: type /msg <player> <message>
  7. Nd_

    The plugin aren't working.

    Does PlotSquared show up as a red color?
  8. But coding the tempban in skript Is SOOOOOOOO much work(unless your server is up 24/7)
  9. Does this happen in other servers/world's?
  10. Nd_

    Copy a building

    I am making a custom Skyblock skript, and I want to clone the island whenever the player spawns. I tried Skematic but you can't even use it because you have to have FAWE(which Minehut doesn't have). But is there any way to clone the building?
  11. You can delete your post by going to moderator actions and selecting hide
  12. Nd_

    Tuske GUI help

    Code: on right click: if player is holding a nether star named "&5Potion Menu" with lore "&5Get your potions": player is in world "ul_KitPVP": open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&5Potions" to player format gui slot 1 of player with splash potion of harming named "Splash Potion Of Harming" with lore "&5You have: %{%player's uuid%.splashpotionofharming}% Splash Potions Of Harming" to close and run: if {%player's uuid%.splashpotionofharming} is less than 1: message "&4You don't have any Splash Potions Of Harming" else: give a splash potion of harming to the player subtract 1 from {%player's uuid%.splashpotionofharming} It says it doesn't understand the condition or effect.
  13. Is the message "Benny Is A Robot"?
  14. That was the problem, I just thought it was the skript.
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