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Everything posted by Nd_

  1. Nd_


    I'm trying to do code a CPS check, but I can get a really high number by breaking a ton of blocks(holding) in creative. Is it possible to get the actual cps of a player. Thanks(btw, i'm adding 1 to a CPS counter every time a player clicks)
  2. Code: else if arg-1 is "toggle": if player has permission "anticheat.toggle": if {%player's uuid%.anticheat.notifications} is true: message "&aNoSkill notifications have been turned off" set {%player's uuid%.anticheat.notifications} to false else: message "&aNoSkill notifications have been turned on" set {%player's uuid%.anticheat.notifications} to true else: message "&cYou do not have permission to run this command" else if arg-1 is "violation": if arg-2 is "add": if arg-3 is set: if arg-4 is set: if arg-5 is set: if arg-6 is set: set {_p} to arg-3 parsed as an offline player set {_v} to arg-4 parsed as a number set {_r} to arg-5 set {_c} to arg-6 set {_ex} to arg-7 set {_p.uuid} to {_p}'s uuid if {_p}'s ping is more than 300: add {_v} / 2 to {%{_p.uuid}%.anticheat.violations.%{_r}%} else: add {_v} to {%{_p.uuid}%.anticheat.violations.%{_r}%} if {%{_p.uuid}%.anticheat.violations.%{_r}%} is more or the same as {anticheat.violations.%{_r}%.max}: set {%{_p.uuid}%.anticheat.violations.%{_r}%} to 0 if {_p} doesn't have permission "anticheat.ban.bypass": execute console command "/minecraft:ban %{_p}% &a[NoSkill]&r %{_r}%" add "&4Ban&r: %{_r}% Check: %{_c}% Ping: %{_p}'s ping% TPS: %tps% Extra: %{_ex}%" to {%{p.uuid}%.anticheat::bans} add 1 to {anticheat.bans} else: loop all players: if {%loop-player's uuid%.anticheat.notifications} is true: message "&b[NoSkill] %{_p}% was detected for %{_r}%" to loop-player add "&6Warning&r: %{_r}% Check: %{_c}% Ping: %{_p}'s ping% TPS: %tps% Extra: %{_ex}%" to {%{p.uuid}%.anticheat::warnings} else if arg-1 is "gui": anticheatgui(player) All this code is being flagged for expected 0 spaces, found (number)
  3. If the mods reply to this one more time, I will do nothing 1
  4. /lp user (user) meta permission set (perm) true Try that
  5. Nd_

    Reach Help

    When I asked what the reach is on MH, I was told 4.25 diagonal/3 horizontal. I know I'm an idiot, but does that mean your position to the player, or something else(horizontal and diagonal, not the reach). Thanks
  6. Nd_


    Because some people like it For GenPVP, MineResetLite, any type of shop that takes items(Shopkeeper is a common one), an anticheat plugin, and a ban plugin so you can ban people.
  7. on death: set {back.%player'a uuid%} to player's location send "&bYour location has been set for /back" command /back: permission: skript.back permission message: &cYou don't have permission! trigger: teleport player to {back.%player's uuid%} Fixed
  8. This is partly a feature in Essentials (you can't set the default color though)
  9. I will be there at the same time I don't even know what to say to you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you and your family a very happy and prosperous New year to you and your family (Google autofill)
  10. Report them to MH if you have evidence against them Did you have CreateYourOwnMenus?
  11. This is an old post But ignore that, that's a bug with your ban plugin AdvancedBan
  12. Some people don't know how to Skript
  13. Nd_


    -1 for both. There are many plugins better than Simple Score(KiteBoard, SkRayFall). Plus, if you want sk-mirror, which is basically Java, why don't you code the scoreboard in Skript. Skript-mirror might have features that are not wanted in MH
  14. Nd_


    -1 Due to the way MH is set up, this plugin would not work.(copy and pasted)
  15. Nd_

    Per World Plugin

    -1 Due to the way MH is set up, this plugin would not work.
  16. Nd_


    1. Why did you vote on two accounts (sorry if you didn't) 2. While I wish this could be added, skript-mirror might have features that MH doesn't want
  17. This is a skript, so you can download it and import the .sk file into the Skript >> scripts folder
  18. Nd_

    Crate help

    For the rolling you could try to have a list that has the items in it, and each time it changes, remove the first item in the list and add it to the end. For the giving of items you could make an I'd for the item and store the item given, the item shown, etc in a variable.
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