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Posts posted by UntitledGoose

  1. M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q




    Skript is a great way to make your server on Minehut, you can do almost anything with it. An example is a private messaging system, which will be focused on here.

    How to set up private messaging:

    To set up private messaging with Skript, you can use the Send Effect in a custom command. Here's a basic example:

    command whisper <player> <text>:
            send "%player% whispers to you: %arg-text%" to arg-player
            send "You whispered to %arg-player%: %arg-text%" to player

    Here we have two arguments, <player> and <text><player> is the user that you want to send a message to, and <text> is what you want to send to said user.

    You can customize the "player whispers to you:" and "You whispered to player:" text with color codes like '&a', and hex codes like '<##ff5555>'. You may customize it however you like.

    If you want to add aliases to the command, you can put 'aliases: /alias-name' before the trigger of the command.

    Note that you cannot use /msg or /tell, because those commands are occupied by Minehut's private messaging system.

    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

    📎  https://youtu.be/XfXo4SJDbiQ

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Sn0wGo said:

    I've edited to be a recommendation, even if I didn't, however, it just comments on being staff on another server, not being in the community itself. Of course you're free to be in any community you wish.

    oh haha that was just bad wording on my part, meant that people can be staff on whatever servers they'd like and it can't really be controlled, that's my bad 😅 cheers

    • Like 1
  3. @_Tarna_'s just been a great friend to me in general for a long time

    @Minehut's allowed me to join the team at Minehut xyz which helped me prepare for applying for support

    @Migins's been a really nice fella, gotta give him some points

    @Emily initially encouraged me to join support which gave me the push to join, nice person

    • Thanks 1
  4. The message originates from the StaffTools plugin. You can disable the message by going into the File Manager, and opening the config.yml for the StaffTools plugin, this can be found at "/plugins/StaffTools/config.yml". Scroll down in the file until you see the Clear Lag section, and then set "automatic-clear-lag" to false. Then, click Save, then run "/stafftools reload" or restart your server.

  5. A lot of servers are already dupe and gen, but not all, the good ones are just difficult to find, but they are there 😄


    I'm unsure who, but I remember hearing that you can still have the same server, but it's unique if you change at least a couple mechanics. I remember that one of the examples was "Who says you have to die when you fall into the void in a gen server? You could make islands go higher and higher, and if you fall, you'll just land onto a lower island. The higher the island, the better the stuff.".


    Another thing is that you could always poke around with other servers outside of Minehut and take inspiration from their gamemodes.

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