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Posts posted by UntitledGoose

  1. This plugin is on Dream's Patreon, which costs money, some dude grabbed the plugin and posted it on Spigot without permission


    We'd need Dream's permission to add the plugin, so it's unlikely it'll be added

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    M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q



    Plugins are a useful way of adding additional content and function to your server. They can be used to improve the management of a server, improving the experience of the user as well as making day to day life easier.

    How to manage plugins:

    Install Plugins:

    • First, you’ll want to be logged into your Minehut account, and on your server’s panel. When you’re on your server’s panel, you’ll want to click the Plugins tab at the top of the screen.

    • From here, you’re able to install any plugins that Minehut provides. You can search for a specific plugin and list all the plugins you installed previously.

    • When you find the plugin that you want to install, click on it, and it will show more information, like an extended description and an Install button. You’ll want to click the Install button.

    • This will place the plugin in your plugins folder, in order for the changes to take effect, you’ll have to restart your server. 

    Uninstall Plugins:

    • Find the plugin you want to uninstall in the Plugins category, and click it.

    • It will show two buttons: Remove Plugin and Reset Config. Click Remove Plugin.

    • What this does is removes the plugin from your plugins folder. Note that the folder created by the plugin, if any, will stay. If you want to remove that, you’ll have to delete it yourself in the File Manager.

    • In order for changes to be applied, you’ll need to restart your server.

    Reset Plugin Configuration:

    • Find the plugin you want to reset in the Plugins category, and click it.

    • It will show two buttons: Remove Plugin and Reset Config. Click Reset Config.

    • What this does is completely resetting the config.yml for the plugin, if there is any.

    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

    📎 https://youtu.be/HUxXi5iSi7g

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

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    M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q




    Ever wanted to make custom commands for you and your players? Skript allows you to do just that!

    Register a Command:

    Registering a command is very simple with Skript. This is what a command in Skript looks like:

    command /name <arguments>: # keep in mind that arguments and the slash before the command name are optional
    	(parameters) # parameters are optional, they will be explained in detail later
    		# your code


    Arguments are fields that a user can fill out when executing a command. Arguments can be anything in Skript, as long as it isn’t the type ‘object’.

    Arguments in Skript can also be optional, so the user can fill them out, but doesn’t have to. You can make arguments optional by surrounding them with square brackets. Example: '<string> -> [<string>]'

    Arguments can also be plural! For example, 'string -> strings', 'integer -> integers'


    Parameters are options that you can place before the trigger in a custom command, they allow you to specify properties like permissions required, cooldowns, etc.There are lots of parameters you can use in commands! Here is a list of all of them:

    permission - A permission required to run the command.
    permission message - A message sent to the user if they don't have the permission required to use the command.
    cooldown - A cooldown for the command.
    cooldown bypass - A permission required to bypass the cooldown of a command.
    cooldown storage - A variable that the cooldown is stored in, it will stay even after the server restarts.
    description - A description for the command.
    aliases - A list of aliases for your command, (ex. /alias1, /alias2, /alias3), the slash in the aliases is optional.
    usage - A message sent to the user if they used the command incorrectly.
    executable by - Specifies who can use the command, it can be console, players, or console and players.

    Getting arguments:

    When a player inputs arguments in a command, you can get the values with this syntax!

    [the] last arg[ument][s]
    [the] arg[ument][s](-| )%number%
    [the] (1st|2nd|3rd|4-90th) arg[ument][s]
    [the] arg[ument][s]
    [the] %type%( |-)arg[ument][( |-)%number%]
    [the] arg[ument]( |-)%type%[( |-)%number%


    command discord:
    		send "&aYou can join our discord here! https://discord.gg/minehut"


    command cake:
    	aliases: /getcake, /receivecake, /givemecake
    	description: Receive a cake, only usable once per day!
    	permission: cake.is_a_lie
    	permission message: &cNo cake!
    	cooldown: a day
    	cooldown message: &cOnly cake once per day!
    	cooldown storage: {cake::%player's uuid%}
    	cooldown bypass: cake.gobble
    		give player cake
    		send "&aYou have received cake!"

    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

    📎  https://youtu.be/NIpzRWdgO_I

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team


    M I N E H U T  C O M M U N I T Y  F A Q


    REQUIREMENTS: Citizens


    Have you ever wanted to create NPCs that players can interact with? Citizens allows you to do that! With Citizens, you can create NPCs with custom names, custom skins, etc.


    First, you’ll need the plugins Citizens and Vault. Vault is a permissions, economy, and chat API used by other plugins.

    Create/delete an NPC:

    To create an NPC, you have to use the command /npc create (name), it will create an NPC for you. When you create the NPC, it’ll be spawned at your position and it’ll take the skin of any Minecraft account with that name. Note that you can use any character in the name, it doesn’t have to be limited to names that Minecraft accounts can use.


    To delete an NPC, simply select the NPC using /npc select while looking at the NPC, and then run /npc delete.

    Move an NPC:

    To move an NPC, you have to use the command /npc move, and what that will do is teleport the NPC to your exact position.

    Change the skin of an NPC:

    If you want to make your NPC use the skin of a Minecraft account, use the command /npc skin (name)!

    If you want to make your NPC use a file for the skin, first, you’ll want to upload the skin to a file hosting service like file.io or ufile.io. Then, you’ll want to take the URL that’s given to you by the file hosting service, and run /npc skin --url (paste url here).

    Make an NPC chat:

    To make an NPC talk to you, you’ll want to run /npc text and it’ll give you all sorts of options for making your NPC talk.

    For example, if you want to make an NPC send a message when you get near it:

    • Run /npc text, this will put you into the text editor.

    • Send ‘add’ in chat, you can now add a message by sending it in chat right after.

    • You have now added a message to the npc. To make it send that message when you get near, send ‘range (distance in blocks)’, and then send ‘close’ to make the npc a close talker.

    • To close the text editor, send ‘exit’ in chat. Now, whenever you get near the npc, it’ll send the message!

    Require further assistance?:

    If you need more help on this topic, head over to this section of forums, or join our Discord!

    📎  https://youtu.be/DmXbQWD10Rk

    Compiled by the Minehut Staff Team

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  5. skript-gui (TuSKe GUIs deprecated) - Provides GUI management


    Skore (Skellett scoreboards deprecated) - Provides scoreboard management


    skript-paper - Covers more of the Paper API, very useful addon (Haven't tested if it is still functional yet)


    Skacket - Provides useful events and expressions regarding signs, movement, armor, etc.


  6. Hi new here and im not sure about minehut. Can any of yall tell me? 👋, i'm Goose. welcome to minehut! Minehut's a host that allows you to host minecraft servers for free! There are also plans to get more ram and player slots if you would like

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