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Posts posted by UntitledGoose

  1. 11 hours ago, Mainkai1846456 said:

    In this case, minehut would have all the power as its their own fork, so would be able to control what can and cannot be edited. As files cannot be moved and jars cannot be manually ran on minehut, having it limited to certain folders should fix all problems

    Notice the "and people would definitely find work arounds" part

  2. On 9/5/2020 at 7:47 PM, FloofNoodle14 said:

    I need a skript that disables spawn eggs and placing bedrock and unbreakable blocks without the permission

    	perm: admin
    on right click holding a spawn egg:
    	cancel event if player doesn't have permission "{@perm}"
    on dispense:
    	if event-item is a spawn egg:
        	cancel event if player doesn't have permission "{@perm}"


  3. 8 hours ago, Mainkai1846456 said:

    Considering you can only edit .yml files is there really much of a security issue with this?


    afaik skript-yaml actually allows you to edit any file, you just have to abide by that yaml file format

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