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Why are you rolling back my server? Seriously, the community of FluidSMP has lost over 100 hours worth of work due to you rolling back without our permission. We have a bot autosave every 3 minutes but it always rolls back 2 hours. I've had enough. If you keep it up I will seriously reconstruct that server from scratch by hand on my own computer and host it from there.

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No one can help you if you don't post your logs. Your ip is viable to any website you visit and every minecraft server you join, its not exactly very private. Ignoring that the ip shown in logs is a masked ip anyway, not your real one. Your not going to get anywhere with that attitude.

Edited by BlueSandbox
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Hiya. Minehut itself doesn't purposely rollback your server. Check to see if things or people are causing it to crash which may cause rollbacks. Also make sure to /saveall often!

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1 minute ago, LittleSkyDude said:

I am using saveall, read the post. And it's whenever it goes down for hibernation due to inactivity. Not a crash. I am so sick of this.

This has never happened to me and I've never seen it often. Send us your latest.log file once your server closes (but before Hibernation). https://minehut.xyz/faq/logs 

Edited by Minehut

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7 minutes ago, LittleSkyDude said:

I download the logs. It's a completely normal log.

Send it here.


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The leading Minehut support website. We aim to provide top quality tutorials, provide answers to top questions, and help in any way we can. Our site is community driven, and we will continue to make it better and better.

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19 minutes ago, LittleSkyDude said:

No! I private tested my server earlier and I checked the log. That log. And it contained my IP.


My IP is none of your business creep.

Heya, if you used minehut and send me hour minehut log, I can't view your IP as it is masked! Please check your information before calling me a creep.

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21 hours ago, LittleSkyDude said:

Mind your own business! Stop talking to me, I want someone else to help.

We can't really help you if you do not send any logs. We won't get your IP because it is masked, but we need logs to go any further.

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Default: Feb 6 2018

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1 minute ago, LittleSkyDude said:

It's stupid you guys are just trying to troll me over a serious issue I'm having. The only slightly related thing in the log is that Essentials throws an error when it starts.

None of us are trying to troll you. If something is wrong with the server, the logs can help determine the issue sometimes. And ips are masked on Minehut so won't even show your real ip even if it does. If you really think it shows you ip, you could just remove it then send it. You aren't gonna receive help if you aren't cooperating with others who are trying to help you.


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I'm going to say this @LittleSkyDude:


We are trying to help you


No one here wants to troll you, But we need logs in order to support you. For all we know it could be a crash or a corruption due to a plugin that needs to be updated. People on the support team like @_Tarna_ know a LOT about how to read logs and fix issues, no one wants to troll you, we just want to help but you also need to help us help you

Default: Feb 6 2018

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7 minutes ago, LittleSkyDude said:

Last time I checked, asking for things you already thoroughly checked and begging even though it contains personal information is not help.

If it contains personal information, Take out the personal information and THEN send it to us

Default: Feb 6 2018

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Your logs will not contain anything personal unless you send things to logs that will, but most likely you don't if you believe there is anything personal inside of logs then remove them. Logs are the most essential part to receiving help, and if you don't send them then there is no way we could of helped you.


No one here has tried trolling you, and if they did they would of been punished accordingly.


💬 » Discord: @reportcards


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Hey @LittleSkyDude I'm sorry about the experience you've had while seeking help on the forums. In the future, do keep in mind that the purpose of the logs is to help troubleshoot and figure out what's causing the issues you were experiencing on the server. The IP that you see next to your username when you login isn't your real IP, our proxies put a 'fake' IP there automatically to ensure that anyone who gets your logs or anything can't use it to do anything malicious against you. Again, I'm so sorry you were having issues with Minehut and if you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me in DMs and I would love to chat with you.

Have a great day!

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4 minutes ago, LittleSkyDude said:

FOR THE LAST TIME I LOOKED AT THE LOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok you checked the logs but there could be something you have missed. Sending them here won't do any harm to anyone. If it seems like your world got reset, try doing /worlds to see if you got teleported to a different world. Maybe try clicking repair files in the danger zone tab on the panel. Or just download the world with /dl world <world> and if it happens again you can just upload the world back. Or with a plugin called CoreProtect, you can rollback areas but not sure if you can rollback a rollback. Also even if the logs didn't or wouldn't help in this case, whats wrong with sending them anyways.

Edited by _Tarna_
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Let me explain why you're wrong...

On 8/25/2020 at 12:46 AM, LittleSkyDude said:

No! I private tested my server earlier and I checked the log. That log. And it contained my IP.


My IP is none of your business creep.

How about you do your research before you call the person who are trying to help you "creeps", I explain more below about how Minehut protects your IP.

If you mean the server hosted on your computer, thats is not protected, however Minehut has developers who have changed the code for their server software to hide/masks IPs.

22 hours ago, LittleSkyDude said:


Seeing as skripts and such also get rolled back it's  clearly Minehut doing it.

It's not Minehut rolling back your server, someone could be crashing your server causing it to crash.

On 8/24/2020 at 11:10 PM, LittleSkyDude said:

I am using saveall, read the post. And it's whenever it goes down for hibernation due to inactivity. Not a crash. I am so sick of this.

This is still not Minehut's fault, this could be another issue other then a crash or a normal shutdown (plugin errors, etc).



Everyone who has tried to help you are known members of the Minehut commuity, they have no other goals other to help.

If you want the help, then please send the logs, it's the only way that we can help and if you don't want the help then you can leave, no one is stopping you from doing so.

Edited by Houlton
realized that I quoted two of the same reply.

I'm just a known player who been playing since the 24 July 2019.

Please don't DM me for support, go here (if you don't mind waiting) or join Minehut's Discord (which is more active) if you need assistance.


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23 hours ago, LittleSkyDude said:

I find it funny how you keep disliking my posts just because yall wanna troll me so bad. This is a serious problem and i literally had to reset my server with 20k+ manhours of work put into it to fix it.

And you're still doing it. My god I have never seen anyone as ignorant as whoever's doing that.

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On 8/25/2020 at 9:31 PM, LittleSkyDude said:

It's stupid you guys are just trying to troll me over a serious issue I'm having. The only slightly related thing in the log is that Essentials throws an error when it starts.

I'm not sure why you think anyone is trolling here, not a SINGLE person here is trolling. All we are trying to do is help you.

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7 minutes ago, LittleSkyDude said:

Oh so I'm ignorant because I'm getting trolled over a serious problem I'm having? You're definitely evil.

We are not trolling


The reason people are disliking your posts are because what you are saying is not helping us help you. Please.

On 8/26/2020 at 3:31 AM, LittleSkyDude said:

It's stupid you guys are just trying to troll me over a serious issue I'm having. The only slightly related thing in the log is that Essentials throws an error when it starts.


Please send this segment of the logs to us!

Edited by Reassembly

Default: Feb 6 2018

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1 hour ago, LittleSkyDude said:

Oh so I'm ignorant because I'm getting trolled over a serious problem I'm having? You're definitely evil.

No one is trolling, at this point your the one trolling. We are just trying to help you, just because you looked over the log doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with it. And NO the log does NOT contain any personal information, so please stop saying it does.

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4 hours ago, BlueSandbox said:

No one is trolling, at this point your the one trolling. We are just trying to help you, just because you looked over the log doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong with it. And NO the log does NOT contain any personal information, so please stop saying it does.


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6 hours ago, Reassembly said:

We are not trolling


The reason people are disliking your posts are because what you are saying is not helping us help you. Please.


Please send this segment of the logs to us!


Operating System: Canonical Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

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