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Everything posted by xX__Strqfe__Xx

  1. not bad skript, but why is the {@prefix} there without the prefix in options?
  2. on join: if {totaljoins::*} does not contain player: add 1 to {totaljoins::*} broadcast "&2&l(SERVER NAME) &8» &a%player% &7has joined the server for the first time! &8{totaljoins::*}" It looks odd because I used skunity parser https://parser.skunity.com/ and I used the "smartfix" for the empty configuration section
  3. if your discussing it, then put it in discussions.
  4. why dont you put the vote in skript discussions??
  5. thanks m8! really could use your skript!.
  6. I decided to make a simple Welcome Announcement. Here it is. on join: broadcast "[Server Name Here] >> &cWelcome %player% to the server!" on first join: broadcast "&c&oSPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT >> [Server Name Here] >> %player% has joined for the first time!"
  7. Good luck to you! Hope you survive the typhoon.
  8. I didnt have sKQuery. Thats why I had those errors Edit: even with sKQuery, I still recieve errors.
  9. People can bypass a mute with /me or /minecraft:me. So I created a /me blocker that ACTUALLY works, unlike Ezekia's. (not tryna start drama Ezekia!) here it is. command /me: trigger: send "no" command /minecraft:me: trigger: send "no" you can change what message you send to the player that tries to bypass the mute.
  10. "Command Event cannot be Canceled" or something like that, that is a error I recieve. Edit: I made my own, if you need the skript, here it is. command /me: trigger: send "no" command /minecraft:me: trigger: send "no"
  11. People have to make their own /spawn command. So I made my own just for y'all! (Note: I am very bad at skript.) command /setspawn: permission: op trigger: set {spawn} to location of block at location of player send "Set Spawn Location to %{spawn}%" command /spawn: trigger: teleport player to {spawn} send to player "&c&oYou have been teleported to spawn."
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