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Everything posted by Pryzmm

  1. Pryzmm


    Quadruple false
  2. Pryzmm


    False, it hasnt gone on long enough
  3. Pryzmm


    Got a number one victory royaleYeah fortnite we bout to get down (get down)Ten kills on the board right nowJust wiped out tomato townMy friend just got downedI’ve revived him now we’re heading south boundNow we’re in the pleasant park streetsLook at the map go to the mark sheets
  4. instead of making 1000 lines for the panes, you can use: format gui slot 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc. of player with white stained glass pane named " " with lore "&aMade by &eAustXnsheep!" to close
  5. Yes but it sets of the anticheat as if they are hitting someone with their fists. Make a aimbot hack for bows
  6. I use SkBee, SkQuerty, SkRayfall, and Skript (of course) Thanks it works!
  7. the space dosent matter. I just tried and still dosent work
  8. I get no errors but the skript still continues. Heres the skript (Reach Detection) on damage: if event-damage cause is not projectile: # This line if attacker is player: if distance between attacker and victim is greater than {ReachDetection}: loop all players where [input has permission "{@UsePermission}"]: send "{@Alert} &7%attacker% &7is suspected to be using &aReach &7(%distance between attacker and victim% &7Blocks)" to loop-player
  9. Pryzmm


    I think you got april fooled @Jackson85
  10. Ive never gotten this error and was wondering what it is and if anyone could help me with it. The error is in the title and here it the line of code damage wasn't caused by a arrow
  11. Pryzmm


    wow congrats man. Really hard milestone to acomplish
  12. Couple problems with this • It sends an alert when someone is hit 3 blocks away. This could set off the alarm so much as a player's max reach is 4 blocks. • The killaura check is like the autoclicker/macro check, it dosen't check if you're actually hitting an entity. • Everything else listed by @Chig • EDIT: Reach also dosent care if you're using a bow or not
  13. If you are opped in the server, you receive all permissions. Deop yourself and try the command then
  14. p o g gg @Centrect
  15. i am part of the community, how would i make a post here?
  16. trees is what brings life. so realistic.
  17. Quality skript. Mustve spent alot of time on it to come up with something this brilliant!
  18. whats a leaderboard... aaaaaaaa
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