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Everything posted by StarBunnie

  1. I recommend only using 2D items because when using blocks the rotation is completely off lol https://pastebin.com/HPqpm72g Pretty sure you need SkBee and Skript (duh.)
  2. I use event-slot instead of event-item and it works for me.
  3. It would definitely take less performance you could also use something called a while loop on join: while player is online: set player's max health to 10 add {health::%player's uuid%} to player's max health wait 1 second command /health [<offlineplayer>] [<integer>]: trigger: player has permission "health.set": if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: set {health::%arg 1's uuid%} to arg 2 With a while loop it's very important to add a wait otherwise it will crash your server.
  4. Personally I'd be careful with "every tick:" because it can lag the server a lot. 1 Tick is 1/20th of a second which means you're looping every player on your server about 20 times a second if you have 10 players on that would already be 200 per one second just fyi.
  5. They will update once the full release of 2.6 is out rn it's still in beta which could damage a lot of running servers. I'm using Skript 2.5.3 on a 1.17 server and everything is going fine so just give that a shot.
  6. Wait what do you want to achieve here? Just send a message to a player? command /test [<text>]: trigger: send "%arg 1%" send "%arg 1%" to console send "%arg 1%" to all players make console execute command "/%arg 1%" Here are some examples
  7. if attacker is player: | Checks if the attacker is the player that died if attacker is a player: | Checks if the attacker is a player entity
  8. <= | Means less or equal to >= | More than or equal to Basically you just used the wrong symbol and now it only works when you don't have enough
  9. They won't add it because it's actually against Minehuts rules. Here is a post if you want to know more:
  10. That is learning it takes a bit but at some point you will know most stuff out of your head and I can assure you everyone checks skripthub or skunity once a while.
  11. You need to duplicate all " inside of the first and last " I really recommend to use send formatted "Text" to all players instead of executing tellraw
  12. I'm unsure if Minehut is planning to support mods in the future. Usually plugins & Mods don't really go together so I doubt it. A plugin version would def. be best.
  13. This is a mod which means it can't be added to Minehut yet.
  14. Hmm multiple people reported a similar problem I'm beginning to believe something might actually be wrong with the server software.
  15. By "encounters 21 errors" I think you used Skript for this which you can't you actually need to setup the bot outside of Mminecraft with JS (java-script) with something like visual studio.
  16. Hmm I'm using HD U G9 pre22 and everything works fine for me but I installed optifine with the default client so I'm not sure if the other client you're using is messing with it somehow
  17. Nono the display name of the player. You're using %colored player's displayname% So you had to set that somewhere
  18. oh my gosh I might know why mind checking the skript where you set your display name?
  19. If you haven't tried the version with the cancel event yet I highly recommend to use this I feel like it's an issue with the chat format syntax
  20. Hmm what confuses me the most is that if Skript can't read a hexcode it usually takes the last letter/digit it can find in the code so in theory it would be &f so your issue where it gets set to &c is really weird. Do you by any chance have another chat format line in another skript file that could be overwriting the one you're changing? We tried a lot of stuff and literally seeing no effect is rather weird/uncommon.
  21. Are you using the same version for your mc as the server is using? Seeds differ from version to version especially between 1.17 and 1.17.1
  22. Hmm doubt it I'm using the second method with the cancel event and it works for me. You could try the workaround CoolProgrammer said in another post to convert the hexcodes into colorcodes like this: #ff8f8f &x &f &f &8 &f &8 &f So basically just give each letter/digit of the hexcode it's own & #ff8f8f -> &x&f&f&8&f&8&f
  23. on chat: set {_X} to formatted player's displayname set chat format to "&7[&a%{level::%player%}%&7] %colored player's prefix% %{_X}% &8»&f %colored message%" I doubt this will make a difference but give it a shot if that doesn't work try using this instead: on chat: cancel event send formatted "&7[&a%{level::%player%}%&7] %player's prefix% %player's displayname% &8»&f %unformatted message%" to all players
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