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Everything posted by StarBunnie

  1. That is not how skript works. A skript needs an event to trigger the following code. For example an event is stuff like: on break: on place: command /test: trigger: These are events that tell skript one the code below is supposed to run. So in order to use the if you have there you need a trigger since you already have an on break: event because you add xp when breaking an ore just add it to that.
  2. It's actually quite easy to make just save the "start"-pressure plate and the "end"-pressure plate as a location and when the player steps on the "start"-pressure plate set a player specific variable to now and upon stepping on the "end"-pressure plate set a variable to the difference between the previously set variable and now.
  3. You have to set both locations and also use SkQuery or SkJade for it
  4. It should not it's a "Request Skripts" post so every skript posted here is done and released
  5. This is neither a necropost nor the wrong topic tho..
  6. It was against the rules from the start minehut doesn't like adrewards for several reasons. It's new tho that they are acting on it but that sounds more like a server-side bug tbh
  7. Are you storing locations by any chance?
  8. I think you should contact support for this one. Here's a link: https://minehut.com/support/form Good luck!
  9. send formatted "<sgt:Text you want to suggest>Text to display in chat<reset>"
  10. Uh use this one instead of the other function function convHex(t: text) :: text: if {_t} contains "&##": set {_t2::*} to {_t} split at "&##" set {_t} to "" delete {_t2::1} loop {_t2::*}: set {_word} to loop-value set {_char} to first 6 characters of {_word} replace {_char} in {_word} with "" set {_t} to "%{_t}%<##%{_char}%>%{_word}%" return {_t} every tick: loop all players: toggle loop-player's scoreboard to true set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetSurv" set line 11 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 10 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lRank&c:" set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) set line 9 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lRank&c: %{_pref}%" set line 8 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lPing&c: &c%loop-player's ping%ms" set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lInformations" set line 4 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lTPS&c: &c%rounded 1st element of tps%" set line 3 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lOnline&c: &c%number of all players%&8/&c%max players%" set line 2 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 1 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetsurv.minehut.gg"
  11. Ah now I understand the issue lol every tick: loop all players: toggle loop-player's scoreboard to true set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetSurv" set line 11 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 10 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lRank&c:" set {_pref} to loop-player's prefix if {_pref} contains "&##": set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) set line 9 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lRank&c: %{_pref}%" set line 8 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lPing&c: &c%loop-player's ping%ms" set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lInformations" set line 4 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lTPS&c: &c%rounded 1st element of tps%" set line 3 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lOnline&c: &c%number of all players%&8/&c%max players%" set line 2 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 1 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetsurv.minehut.gg" Give that a shot
  12. What does it look like it works fine on my server
  13. function convHex(t: text) :: text: set {_t2::*} to {_t} split at "&##" set {_t} to "" delete {_t2::1} loop {_t2::*}: set {_word} to loop-value set {_char} to first 6 characters of {_word} replace {_char} in {_word} with "" set {_t} to "%{_t}%<##%{_char}%>%{_word}%" return {_t} on join: clear player's scoreboard erase player's sidebar on script load: loop all players: clear loop-player's scoreboard erase loop-player's sidebar every tick: loop all players: toggle loop-player's scoreboard to true set title of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetSurv" set line 11 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 10 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lRank&c:" set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) set line 9 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lRank&c: %{_pref}%" set line 8 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lPing&c: &c%loop-player's ping%ms" set line 6 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 5 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b&lInformations" set line 4 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lTPS&c: &c%rounded 1st element of tps%" set line 3 of loop-player's scoreboard to " &4&lOnline&c: &c%number of all players%&8/&c%max players%" set line 2 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&b" set line 1 of loop-player's scoreboard to "&4&lVelvetsurv.minehut.gg" Just use this it should work
  14. That line was just an example on how to use it you can leave that out just write it below into your actual scoreboard skript but remember to use loop-player
  15. You can't just add the function into the scoreboard code xD Let it stand alone there are no indent errors the only line you need to use in your scoreboard itself is set {_pref} to formatted convHex(loop-player's prefix) A function stands alone so just copy it above you're scoreboard skript
  16. Alright slapped something together function convHex(t: text) :: text: set {_t2::*} to {_t} split at "&##" set {_t} to "" delete {_t2::1} loop {_t2::*}: set {_word} to loop-value set {_char} to first 6 characters of {_word} replace {_char} in {_word} with "" set {_t} to "%{_t}%<##%{_char}%>%{_word}%" return {_t} set {_pref} to formatted convHex(player's prefix)
  17. hmm I have an idea we already set {_pref} to player's prefix so maybe we can try something like the following set {_pref} to player's prefix replace "&" in {_pref} with "##" set {_pref} to formatted {_pref}
  18. [DiscordSRV - Initialization/ERROR]: [DiscordSRV] No bot token has been set in the config; a bot token is required to connect to Discord. I found this line in your logs it is quite possible that it disables itself to save on server resources when the token is not set.
  19. I just saw in the screen that you're using hexcodes that won't work with skript. Skript only reads hexcodes like this <##123456>
  20. I think for them to breed mobGriefing needs to be on.
  21. you wrote player you need to change it to loop-player
  22. Sorry bout the wait issue my bad. To use hex codes that are in like the prefix you might need to format it %formatted player's prefix% set {_pref} to formatted player's prefix give one of those a shot
  23. on join: while player is online: set title of player's scoreboard to "&5%player%" set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "Text" toggle scoreboard of player on
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