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Everything posted by StarBunnie

  1. Hmm I'm not really sure that is possible I found this tho maybe that can help you somehow https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=3892
  2. This might help you https://superleague.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047983093-What-Server-Packages-does-Minehut-offer-
  3. Here on join: while player is online: set title of player's scoreboard to "Scoreboard title" set line 1 of player's scoreboard to "&7Gems: &6%{money::%player's uuid%}%" wait 1 second This requires SkBee Also important info for you You wrote the variable like this "%{money::player's uuid}%" Which is "wrong" if you want player based variables because the variable currently is only read like you read it here. The correct way would be "%{money::%player's uuid%}%" That way the player's uuid will be used instead of just the word "player's uuid" Here's an overview how it looks for skript "%{money::player's uuid}%" -> {money::player's uuid} "{money::%player's uuid%}%" -> {money::aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee}
  4. For hex codes use 'em like this <##123456> Reason for that is that a # marks a line as a comment so skript doesn't read it by writing two # this is prevented and it just reads it as one
  5. on walk on gold block: set {timer::%player's uuid%} to now on walk on diamond block: set {_time} to difference between {timer::%player's uuid%} and now delete {timer::%player's uuid%} send "&7You took &e%{_time}%" Obviously replace the blocks with how you detect they started a parkour and end it. I made a jumpworld with WorldGuard by making zones called "jumpstart-jumpname" & "jumpend-jumpname" and when they enter a zone I just split it to detect the jump they are currently on and start the timer.
  6. To use hex colors write the like this <##123456> also pretty sure broadcast can't send hex colors so just use this send formatted "<##123456>&lHello" to all players Unsure if the formatted is needed tbh but use send instead of broadcast
  7. when adding something this isn't really necessary and if you want to use it in a message while it's not that you can use "?" send "&7Blocks mined: &e%{mined::%player's uuid%} ? 0%" That is good because the var doesn't need to be set right away so new player's that only join for a second don't add to many variables and clutter up your server
  8. Would you mind showing us the skript where you read the variable to check if it has increased?
  9. Could you provide a link to the plugin so the admins have an easier time finding/testing it?
  10. There is a difference between mods and plugins. Mods add new code to minecraft while plugins only work with code that already exists. Both of your options are mods meaning they are not supported by a plugin server software and those mods have nothing to do with the betterend plugin. I believe if you click on the plugin in the dashboard a link pops up that leads you to the plugins website.
  11. then try tripwire hook named "name"
  12. command /reset [<offlineplayer>]: trigger: if {start::%arg 1's uuid%} is set: delete {start::%arg 1's uuid%} send "reset" else: send "can't reset because it's not set"
  13. Hmm it seems like it has a lot of functions that could potentially damage Minehuts system so they might hold off for now. If you didn't know Skript is pretty much the same and actually a bit simpler imo you could check that out.
  14. command /start: trigger: if {start::%player's uuid%} is not set: make console execute command "" make console execute command "" set {start::%player's uuid%} to true
  15. I'm unsure why /banlist doesn't work but also Minehut can't really do anything about the griefer as long as they are not hacking on the official hubserver. Everything that happens on user servers is the server owners responsibility.
  16. They are working on cross-version plugin lists it just takes a bit to add such a large feature.
  17. StarBunnie


    Due to Minecraft 1.18 not being out yet it's gonna be a bit hard to do. What you can do tho is update your server to 1.17.1 on Spigot or 1.17 on Paper in your Dashboard
  18. One error is that you're using line 4 twice and I'm not exactly sure if a line can be completely empty maybe try "&7" instead of "" If you're still running into issue maybe give SkBees scoreboard a shot it's way easier and has an overall better performance
  19. It's actually not a plugin but a skript. It has been requested many times to add this but right now that's not possible due to it requiring two Skript-addons that are not available on Minehut and probably won't be for a while due to them being a threat for Minehuts current system. DiscordSRV seems to be a proximity chat plugin that is already on Minehut maybe check that out.
  20. You used two different variables {ores} and {oreregen}
  21. try if "%clicked block%" contains "shulker box": if "%clicked block%" contains "gray":
  22. StarBunnie


    Yea it does
  23. StarBunnie


    Just use SkBee it offers way more and better features than SkStuff + SkStuff hasn't been updated in a whiiile so I'm unsure if it even runs on 1.16.5
  24. Thank you all for requesting so many Skripts but I need to focus on my own server for now which means this topic will be locked! Have fun everyone!
  25. Here you go https://pastebin.com/6TCF1UYx
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